Married at First Sight



A&E’s reality show “Married at First Sight” was irresistible from day one this season. Imagine trusting “professionals” to match you up with a mate and seeing them for the first time at the altar! All that dating discomfort magnified! The girls seemed sincere about finding Mr Right but the guys – not so much. Our favorite couple was Jessica and Ryan – they are both very attractive and seemed smitten from the start. But it ended with a restraining order! Rumors abound that Ryan De Nino presented himself as a successful businessman (with an ego to match) but it turned out he’s just another broke model/ actor who may or may not also be a drug dealer, looking for a break. (Shame on those producers!) It was also reported that his nasty rages and stormy departures were accelerated by his cocaine use! Jessica Castro did her best but eventually he scared her too much with his temper and threats and she filed for a restraining order. Tomorrow night’s “reunion” show might be interesting – or might not.
Photo: A&E