Giorgio Armani



What is it about European men who think we want to watch them swim in tiny white underpants? Giorgio Armani is one of the world’s most respected and admired designers, but when it comes to dressing HIMSELF, he chooses to wear a Speedo! When he’s rocking a business suit, NOBODY does it better, but the brilliant designer seems to have the Speedo affliction that affects many French and Italian men of a certain age.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI


Here’s a juicy little secret that Tom Cruise might kill us for telling you. Oh well, here we go- Tom was wearing a GIRDLE under his tuxedo at his wedding! In case you haven’t noticed, Tom packed on around twenty pounds in the past few months before the big event. He says he’s a “nervous eater.” And he’s had a lot to be nervous about – his exit from Paramount and his high octane marriage. When Tom arrived in Rome, we hear that Giorgio Armani was apoplectic because the wedding tux was too small. Armani personally tended to all the fittings while Tom’s pants were let out and various details were adjusted. Tom wanted to look svelte so he didn’t protest when Giorgio suggested girdling Tom’s midsection so the jacket would fall properly. The corset was sewn into Tom’s undergarment. Everyone was sworn to secrecy, but those Armani employees love to gossip, and are we grateful for THAT!