

We sorta told you so! You read here that Disney was so fed up with the antics of Governor Ron DeSantis that it was quietly appraising the land that hosts and surrounds Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. Well NO surprise to OUR readers that Disney CEO Bob Iger just dropped a major confirmation to our scoop. Bob was quoted as “questioning” whether the Governor APPRECIATED the jobs and $17 BILLION DOLLARS that Disney brings into the state of Florida each year. A well placed insider insists that while Disney is currently committed to staying in Florida, it IS thinking about showing DeSantis just how crucial they are to the state. While it’s still in the planning stages, one idea is to temporarily close the park for “renovations” and completely shut down all revenue into Florida. It’s not approved yet, but it’s possible if Ron keeps acting up. The nuclear option of pulling out of Florida remains on the table…


This comes from a Disney insider, and although it’s more business gossip than celebrity gossip, we feel compelled to share it. Now that Disney is suing Florida governor and likely presidential candidate Ron DeSantis, the entertainment conglomerate has a drastic plan if they don’t prevail: they’re closing Disney World and cutting all ties with Florida! The insider explained that the “nuclear option” is already being discussed behind very closed doors at corporate headquarters in Burbank, and feelers are already being put out to land developers to appraise the 25,000 acres owned by the amusement park. Keep in mind, OTHER states would be THRILLED to welcome Disney. While my insider stresses it’s a long shot, they also insist that if DeSantis doesn’t back down they are prepared to call it a day. This would likely destroy Florida’s economy since Disney is the state’s largest employer and bring in billions of tourism dollars.


Photo: Disney


Now that he’s announced his retirement from football and MEANS it this time, Tom Brady has put his Florida house up for sale and hopes to relocate to California to focus on his next career as a movie producer, TV sports commentator, and maybe even an actor. BUT he has to persuade his ex-wife Gisele Bundchen to move also. He and Gisele have waterfront mansions across from one another in Florida where they planned to raise their kids since he played for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. He’s offered to buy Gisele a mansion in Beverly Bills if she will agree to relocate. Tom wants to be close to his kids. Our source says Gisele likes her life in South Florida (and her jiu-jitsu teacher there!) and although the idea of a mansion in Beverly Hills is appealing, she’s not saying yes just yet.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Social isolation stinks – but things could be WORSE – you could live where John Travolta calls home – Clearwater, Florida! Beautiful beaches notwithstanding, the city is gradually being taken over by Scientologists, and the population doesn’t know WHAT to do! Over the years, the secretive “church” has bought huge chunks of property and buildings – especially downtown (using fake names) – and it’s almost all TAX EXEMPT- so the city is losing a lot of money. Clearwater residents complain about groups of dressed-alike people marching around in lines like zombies, and a downtown that is NOT flourishing like nearby cities. The police department has been wined and dined by Scientology (as is their habit) and the public no longer trusts THEM. We love this old photo from 1979 with Scientologists in ill-conceived Nazi uniforms protesting negative coverage in the Clearwater Sun. Certainly this photo gave Clearwater locals the creeps! Another reason to support your local newspaper!