

The investigation into the sexual harassment allegations against disgraced CBS CEO Les Moonves revealed, among other things, a 9.5 million dollar settlement that CBS paid to Bull star Eliza Dushku after she charged her costar Michael Weatherly with sexual harassment and was fired for doing so. Maintaining the sinister male culture at CBS, Moonves chose to protect his good friend Weatherly, with whom he had a lot in common. There were no doubts about guilt – Weatherly‘s behavior was all ON TAPE. The New York Times broke the story and Weatherly played down his behavior as “bad jokes.” Eliza bravely revealed the revolting TRUTH in lurid detail to the Boston Globe. There’s no doubt, Michael Weatherly should be fired and Bull’s showrunner Glenn Gordon Caron should pack his bags too, for nurturing Weatherly’s noxious behavior. Another thing- it is SO ridiculous when co-workers vouch for men accused of bad behavior because the accused didn’t harass or intimidate THEM. Most likely they are not his type, or maybe they just want to keep their jobs!

Photo: CBS