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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD

We love a girl who can forgive but not forget. That’s how Carrie Fisher looks back on her life in her one woman show “Wishful Drinking” at the Geffen Playhouse. Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher should be proud – they produced a problematic but supersmart daughter with a great comic take on life whose mottos include “Instant gratification takes too long.” In her gossip addled show, Carrie maps a star-studded dysfunctional family tree and pokes fun at dad – who mistook his new mini hearing aids for pills and swallowed them with water. Carrie reminisces about George Lucas who made her so famous in Star Wars, and OUR favorite revelation: her secret affair with Harrison Ford during filming! She puts on a great show – we were never crazy about Star Wars, but now we’re CRAZY about Carrie Fisher. See this, if you can!

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  1. Anonymous

    Too bad we can’t say the same for that old booze hound Harrison Ford.

  2. Anonymous

    She is refreshingly honest.
    Years ago, Carrie Fisher had photographs taken of her. She showed both the before and after
    pictures. Some showed her just as she is for real. the other photos of her were all with makeup and wardrobe and maybe photoshopping to show women the difference a bunch of experts in crafting image make. I respected her for doing that, she is really cool.

  3. Casey

    Saw the show! Oh my god how funny! I went back with my daughter, and we loved it! I hope someone filmed it and is putting it on DVD! or HBO–Anything to get it out there to more people because it was sooo funny!

  4. Anonymous

    Han & Leia for real? Cool!

  5. Call me Catty

    Umm…Wasn’t Harrison Ford married back then?

  6. Scottina

    She’s caustically funny and I hope she brings this show to NYC.

  7. Anonymous

    Carrie Fisher is amazing. I’m sure you all know that her main gig the last decade or so has been script doctor. She just lands, takes a so-so script and makes magic, and fades away and lets the “writer” take all the credit. Brilliant!

  8. Anonymous

    She was great in a bit-part on “Sex and the City” years ago. Also love “Postcards from the Edge.” I bet her show is great!

  9. carlotta

    I, too, adore Carrie. Her work is great, and even the bit parts she plays now and then in movies and TV shows are fun. I wish her more success and strength.

  10. Patrick

    May be?
    She was into Harry’s stash?
    All those American Graffiti guys, hopped right up ya know!
    That’s like druggin your little sister.

  11. Pat

    I wonder if Harrison was fried on acid all the time back then too?
    Like all of us!

  12. Anonymous

    postcards is a great movie. i didn’t appreciate the first time around but it’s one of my all time faves now.
    very funny and painful too.
    i just didn’t care for merryl streep’s hair in the movie, too many split ends and a strange looking dull shade of blonde.
    uh.. an affair with ford?
    that is interesting because he was hot back them. hot n’married at the time?

  13. Anonymous

    Adore her.Witty and smart with out being crass.Im going to get tickets to her show.

  14. Hedda Bopper

    Postcards from the edge is still one of my all time fave movies.She is a very smart and talented woman……Oh No

  15. Hedda Bopper

    Postcards from the edge is still one of my all time fave movies.She is a very smart and talented woman……Oh No

  16. Hedda Bopper

    Postcards from the edge is still one of my all time fave movies.She is a very smart and talented woman……Oh No