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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


carminecutgotti.jpgWe were surprised to her that that Growing Up Gotti kid Carmine Gotti Agnello, who just turned 21, is coming out with a rap album. His rap alias is C. Gotti and he already has a deal with Ruff Ryders (DMX, Jadakiss and Cassidy.) Music insiders say it’s not a bad venture for Ruff Ryders because Carmine will pull in a whole new group of potential music buyers. Maybe. But we bet that Dapper Don John Gotti is spinning in his grave.

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  1. icon package

    Charming topic

    P.S. Please review icons

  2. cesar risco

    i;m an openly gay man, and i think he and his brothers are the cutest things alive…i speak spanish too 😉 any guys that wanna have fun call me up 703 554 9539

  3. Mark Donatelli

    you gotta be kidding me…these phucking guys are a joke….phucking tanning’s for women….their grandfather is looking up and thinking where the phuc did i go wrong …i shudda smacked them around more…their a disgrace to all italians…pussys

  4. vanessa

    i dont know wht u r takin bout????

  5. eddie

    hey u guys are such freakin haters i actually think the kid is kool man u guys dont even know him u havent hung out wit him for a day so u dont know wat he is like quite hating cuz he can prolly bone ur girlfriend in like 2 seconds if he wanted to and quite hating theat they have more money than u!!!

  6. Michele

    I agree w/ susie. Give Carmine a break. Whatever his grandfather did had nothing to do w/ him. Who cares if no1 thinks he has talent, plenty of famous stars do NOT have much talent nowadays! He’s just giving it a shot. If his career doesn’t work out, who knows, he might have the potential to do something good or bad, whatever. Get over it people.

  7. Susie

    I grew up in the ’80s listening to the “pioneer” rap groups like RUN DMC, Sugar Hill Gang, Curtis Blow, Cool Moe Dee…you get the point….and I agree, rap is not what it used to be. But give Carmine a break. Don’t judge him just because of his family name. I watched Growing Up Gotti when it was on A&E and the boys did not seem all that different from most kids I know today. Sure they scream and yell a lot and argue with Victoria, not that it’s right, but as I said they are no different than a lot of kids today. And that is what he is– a KID! He is trying to make a place for himself like most people in the entertainment industry. I feel sorry for him in that people will be out to make money off his family name and discard him when they have used him for all they can. Some people will try to justify that by saying it’s kharma—but again, HE IS NOT HIS GRANDFATHER! Give the kid a break!

  8. johnny

    to fake, he has nothing to rap about unless he talks about his grandfather who would kill himself if he was alive. it brings ruff ryders a new fan base. by the way if u see his crew that he raps with its called g fella or somes hit. to fake they try way to hard to be italian gangsters, real gangsters wont ever say bull shit. i would love to know how hard he has it in long island,with his mansion. he is going to rap about fucking, geting stoned, and how if someone says something to him he knows gangsters that will kill. but dont mess me up i look like a manican

  9. Anonymous

    i’m not totally 100% behind this idea either but ya’ll r so cruel-lol

  10. Anonymous

    i’m not totally 100% behind this idea either but ya’ll r so cruel-lol

  11. Anonymous

    i’m not totally 100% behind this idea either but ya’ll r so cruel-lol

  12. Anonymous

    i’m not totally 100% behind this idea either but ya’ll r so cruel-lol

  13. Bu

    U G L Y

  14. Ceeya

    Everybody knows the fruit don’t fall far from the tree! Victoria Gotti’s TRASH, her father was a murdering thug, and this idiot w/ spray-on-tan and BLUE CONTACTS (?!) is definitely a closet case!

  15. Art Chic


  16. RRpseBees

    Um, Isn’t this Mario Vasquez from American Idol a couple of years back? Sure looks like him with the trademark fedora. Maybe someone in photos got him mixed up with the Gotti kid…..If I recall, the Gotti kid is much prettier than this guy.

  17. Anonymous

    His manicured looks are pathetic. There’s something not right with him…Mom’s a plastic Barbie…go figure!

  18. Margo Channing

    That is one ugly wannabe

  19. Anonymous

    Ten bucks says his new ‘release’ will get tons of radio airplay. Payola my butt, they’ll threaten to whack any DJ that WON’T play it.
    I truly think victoria gotti and her sons are real embarassments. Total jokes.
    I’m amazed that she actually thinks there’s a chance she can shake her family’s deadly legacy.

  20. gotti boys ain't GOT "it"


  21. Anonymous

    UH-rap music will never die, and Kanye West has never rapped about the ghetto, nor does his lyrics promote white hatrid.
    Diddy is extremly talented, and has produced so many tracks, and yes, has sampled many old songs, but so have hundredes of other music artists.

  22. Kandu

    The Lobster Mobster said raping.. not rappin’

  23. Anonymous

    i can’t wait for Rap “music” to die. it just plain sucks. how many songs can a person steal from really talented singer/musicians , and add their own ugh huh ugh huh oh yeah yeah yeah give it to me bitches and hoes. this crap is so old.
    and to adress the person who said that he doesn’t have the “street cred” to be a rapper…a lot of those guys singing about the ghetto actually grew up in the middle class suburbs. take kanye west for example…both of his parents are professors and they lived in an upper middle class suburb…but when he sings he pretends that he is from the ghetto and so that justifies his outright hatred for white people. puff diddley lives in a mega mansion in new jersey…watch mtv’s show about cribs and youll see.
    so the thing is, all these posers with little to no talent live lives of luxury and really dont give a crap about the poor blacks in the ghetto. they just want to flash their bling. how many of these rappers from the hood actually did anything for the people of katrina? the answer is is that they are 100% greed. they dont give a crap how their songs might affect society at large and influence youth. they just want the benjamins. so to make some statement that a white boy would atomically be out is just as retarded as the posers that pretend to be ghetto. im sick of the ghetto crap, send it back to the ghetto. let the thousands of educated blacks come out and show their stuff.

  24. missy


  25. Anonymous

    he looks like a wax figure

  26. mich

    I actually feel sorry for those boys. They have no clue. Their mother has done them no favor by spoiling and catering to them.
    And please, lay off those eyebrows!

  27. Anonymous

    He’s so “Loong Island”

  28. kait

    It’s so icky when men pluck their eyebrows.

  29. Anonymous

    the fake teeth and the blue contacts are too much.
    the eyebrows are so overdone for a guy and he’s a rapper?
    moms a train wreck long island typical mess diva stressed out *itch

  30. rrright

    he is NOT cute one bit.
    spray on tan for guys is just wrong.
    did you hear him sing on that reality show he was on?
    not cute there as well.
    get that music business machine up and running.

  31. He's setting himself up to get CLOWNED.

    Carmine is way too pretty and privledged to be taken seriously as a rapper. FLOP, another K-Fed in the making.
    I wish him luck though. First things first-I know his mom reads Janet, MAKE YOUR SON STOP TANNING! He looks like a tangerine. And the blue contacts with plucked eyebrows really don’t give him street cred either.
    Young teenage girls like him, but the rest of America thinks he’s a joke. So much wealth from blood money. Sick. Yes, we know mommy worked hard too, but still. The sins of the family run through, and it’s sick.