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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



As a rule we’re against remaking classic movies (especially the ones we love,) but we might make an exception for “The Fly.” The movie’s director David Cronenberg and Fox are planning a remake of his dazzling and gruesome 1986 science fiction masterpiece starring Jeff Goldblum. Ironically, Cronenberg’s version was a remake of the 1950 movie starring Vincent Price. Cronenberg figures that special effects technology has advanced to such an extent that he can hardly wait to shock the audience with a far more terrifying and revolting version of The Fly. It’s hard to imagine anyone better that Jeff Goldblum as the lead.

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  1. Hudok

    I discovered what I used to be seeking for. great write-up, thank you

  2. clementine

    I wish Hollywood would stop f*cking with old movies and start making new ones. I’m tired of remakes, and would rather watch the original than the ‘new and improved’ version. Love Jeff, tho. He’s super groovy.

  3. Generation X

    His real head is small – just like a fly

  4. Meg

    Agree with BB, he is a good actor and a charming one too, however his taste in very young girls creeps the heck out of me. Peter Pan’s syndrome, a boy who never grows up despite the fact he’s an old fart he still sees himself as young and hot and acts like that.

  5. BB

    He was great in it but since he’s been dating a girl young enough to be his granddaughter I’ve lost all interest in him. Really, he was pretty creepy anyway.

  6. Bella

    Goldblum hits on anything and everything. And eventually after many tries, he will luck up on a very desperate ho, and the rest is history, but for a short time, unil he repeats himself, usually in bars.

  7. captain america

    you need “FLIES”?
    ………CHOOSE A PILE OF SHIT, folks!!