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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Splash News

A lot of young actresses and singers were ACHING to land the role of Joan Jett in “The Runaways” as soon as the movie was announced. After auditioning many important faces, producer Joan Jett selected “Twilight” star Kristen Stewart. At first it seemed an odd choice, but since Kristen dyed her hair black and cut it in a shag, we’re starting to think she’ll be great. Click here to take a look at Joan’s biggest hit “I Love Rock N Roll.”

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  1. Radical

    I should of got the part that girl cant act for nothing

  2. alice

    I think Kristen is pretty, and dude, America was founded in the Toilet.

  3. Bella

    Who thinks Kristen is pretty? Not me. Sorry. Burp.

  4. Dieter

    This movie will be released straight to Walmart’s 2 DVD’s for $10 bin. I can’t think of a more boring and irrelevant topic for a film. No wonder America is goimg down the toilet.