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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Can the fact that Ivanka Trump’s fashion collections are being dropped by upscale department stores be chalked up to customers who don’t want to support the name? One would have thought that the new and constant exposure to Ivanka wearing her own designs would INCREASE demand. Didn’t happen. But Nordstrom dropped her clothing and shoe collection due to “poor sales.” Neiman Marcus followed suit with her jewelry collection. Things are going downhill fast. It took Ivanka five years to build her successful clothing company and her father’s Presidency may have turned her name to poison to some customers. Would YOU mind flashing the Trump label in your coat?

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Melanie

    All her products are made in Asia anyway…

  2. Josie

    Sorry — I wouldn’t wear these clothes if they were given to me. No Trump stuff for me.

  3. Papa Don't Preach

    Trust me, there’s NOTHING nice about this woman. She’d run you over in her Rolls before she’d stop and help someone who had fallen in the street. Anyone who thinks any of these verminous Trumps are nice is as dumb as a bag of hammers.

  4. tagg

    Lol, another RWer complaining about the Free Market, right Rhonda? Why dont you and the Million Mom’s start a collection and buy her crap?

  5. Jennifer

    Her husband’s Father spent years in a Federal prison for tax evasion, illegal campaign contribution and witness tampering among other things. Now her husband is the most trusted advisor to the President. In America, crime pays.

  6. dan dan

    Her “looks” are bought and paid for. Before many, many plastic surgeries,she was as hideous as all the Trumps. She and her stepmother are in a contest to see who gets the most plastic surgery.

  7. Mix Busybody

    People and the media fail to realize that she is just like her dad and brothers but wrapped in a pretty package. She gets away with it because of her looks

  8. Rhonda

    will her line survive? probably not, liberal women having a hissy fit. only support each other when they tote the politically correct liberal line. To bad, her clothes are very nice.

  9. dan dan

    True Americans will oppose the Trump totalitarian regime by boycotting any business owned or even remotely associated with any Trump. Resist!

  10. Jennifer

    I own one of her handbags. They are nice. It’s unfair to target her because of her father. She’s a nice lady who did nothing wrong. IMO she should sell her fashion direct to customers online and to hell with these stores.

  11. Palermo

    I think she always looks good, I would wear her clothing.

  12. popey

    …seeking for an excuse?