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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


According to Page Six, Calvin Klein was not thrilled to learn that his hurricane damaged NYC triplex might be unlivable for six months, but the fashion designer has bigger problems. His ex-boyfriend Nick Gruber’s tell-all (aptly titled “Obsession: My Life With Calvin Klein”) has been picked up by a publishing house and from what we’ve seen, it’s a shocking and fascinating story. We sneaked a peek at the first chapter and were surprised to learn HOW Nick and Calvin met. Nick was 20 and in the army and moonlighted as a gay porn star and high priced escort! A pimp who caters to the Velvet Mafia introduced them! Nick was drawn into NY society and there are LOTS of juicy details! As we told you, Nick, who claims to be straight, is now in a relationship John Luciano (somehow related to the infamous Lucky Luciano) in Los Angeles, and still dates women.(?)

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  1. strom

    Dont think Perry Mason was a fag. Calvin Klein has been well known as a NY gobber for many many years….his wife hung on…like Travolta’s for the $$$$.

  2. Hilary

    Hiya Janet, I’m sure you read Scotty Bowers book — FULL SERVICE — about life as a “nice pimp” in LA in the l940s, 50s and 60s. Many of the young “escorts” he hooked stars up with later became longtime, serious partners w/ those stars. Raymond Burr was one I remember; there are others. Great book if you haven’t read it yet! 🙂

  3. dark sided

    Calvin sould have known better.There is no fool like old fool.

  4. Steve Canyon

    the boy is just a F*GGOT for the occasion.

    (money or attention, what’s the difference for prostitutes?)

  5. Adam

    Hahah sounds comical. If anything the jokes on the kid

  6. yoyo

    Perhaps Nick & Joe Simpson can get together & come up with an After School special since NOTHING’S ever on TV. Shame what people have to do just to earn a buck.