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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Caitlyn Jenner and her roommate Sophia Hutchins are both tall so they have to do some acrobatics to climb into that low slung Porsche after dinner at Soho House. In a recent interview, Caitlyn said she was grateful that her family was so accepting of her transition, but she doesn’t know if SHE could handle it if one of her ten children came out as trans. Someone asked “What if Kendall said she was trans and wanted to become a male?” Caitlyn was shocked by her own response. “It would be tough –we’d have long conversations, but I wouldn’t stop her.” We wonder which is more difficult to embrace – a trans parent or a trans child…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Toby Flenderson

    Based on her complaints about her love life, I presume she’s been squeezing herself a lot lately

  2. lippp

    So is Bruce Jenner AKA Caitlyn Jenner a lesbian now?

  3. Giuliana de Pandi Rancid

    What a PERFECT question to have asked Caitlyn.

    And bless her heart.

  4. Gemma

    Americans certainly are an odd lot.