We don’t know if this picture of Courtney Love was taken EARLY on Oscar night or after a LONG night of partying. This look simply cannot be explained. But we’re not laughing – it gives us a bad feeling – like Courtney’s losing it again….

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23 thoughts on “BYE BYE LOVE

  1. What happens when don’t take care of yourself after plastic surgery. Hard partying, heavy smoking, drinking..

  2. You forgot the drugs.Trashy look with a slutty thing…

  3. Looks like Courtney opted to use either a picture of the current Mickey Rourke or Eric Stoltz’s character in MASK to base her new surgical look.
    She’s going to hell for murdering Kurt.

  4. what happened to her face? She looks off -not just drunk or after a night of party off- but surgically mutilated…

  5. Uh….Lindsay….are you paying attention?????? Keep going the way you are and this will be YOU in a couple of years-if you don’t OD, that is.

  6. A couple of months ago Courtney
    had corrective surgery to correct some earlier PS work.
    Looks like it wasn’t successful.

  7. it didnt say when this picture was taken, but girlfriend needs a bra and some doublestick tape.
    girlfriend, you are in your 40s now, please dress like it.

  8. has anyone heard yoko ono’s new album? (its a really painful trippy in a bad acid way) it would make sense if courtney started to hang out with yoko.
    they could do a duet together.

  9. Come on people, her only claim to fame is her dead husband. She’s an ugly girl, look at her even when she “cleans up”. She’s just gross, everything about her is gross. Stop giving her attention and she’ll go away…like some other tramps that we just keep making richer and richer and richer..who’s the idiots?

  10. That my friends is called AGE and it happens to all of us. Course, it does look a bit like she’s drunk.
    Next time she should just wear a polo shirt and blue jeans.
    Look at those juggs!
    Hey, she kinda looks like Jimmy Durantee.

  11. I just took a look over at X17 website and I do have to say. I wish the media should stick with still photos instead of shooting video.
    But, one has to act professional where ever one is at.

  12. she’s high all the time.
    she may not be shooting dope but she is on something,
    most likely prescription pain medication.
    look at the expression on her face, the dead, almost closed eyes.
    the dress is falling off her overly surgified body.
    she’s still a junkie.

  13. can someone inside please “out” these awful plastic surgeons who mutilate the d-listers? Names! I want Names!

  14. Are those stretch marks on the boob that’s trying to escape??

  15. What do you wanna bet the photographer used the best photo they had… As the way the picture looks that dress had to of came down exposing those honkers.
    Everybody is entitled to have a bad day, but why don’t they party down in a place like Memphis where there aren’t any paparraziis (whatever). A place where everybody looks like heck at 2-3 AM and they can walk back to their condo’s , not hop in a limo or chance getting a DUI.
    Everybody gets the BLUES, why don’t they listen to it for a change.

  16. chuga chuga, chuga chuga, chuga chuga, chuga chuga CHOO CHOOOOOOOOO *BAM – BANG – CRASH*
    “Oh me me me me! Is it “train wreck?” DING DING DING DING DING – I think we have a winner!

  17. It was really nice of LaToya Jackson to lend courtney one of her old dresses.

  18. Ma ma look a boo boo!
    She’s full of air! Look at those two big baloons up front! I bet you if you stick her with a pin or a sharp object, she will blow/pop! Lol. 🙂

  19. @ Portia.
    Portia, For your information: Whitney Houston has a man! A new one. And she is getting plenty of big thick black meat! Bobby couldn’t handle it, but her new man surely can! Maybe now Bobby Brown should get with Courtney Love. They’d look good together! 🙂

  20. 1) I would never ever go to her plastic surgeon!
    2) Where was a friend to tell her to pull up her dress?

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