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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



You’ve got to hand it to the Kardashians for making reality shows insanely popular. No one has gone farther to corral an audience. Bruce Jenner’s potential transgender surgery and new life is going to be a ratings BONANZA for the E! channel. Who wouldn’t be curious enough to watch THAT? We figured Bruce would not go through this process without documenting the “journey” and getting handsomely paid for it. It’s not often that a well known sports hero and public figure chooses to change sexes. And of course it will greatly enhance the transgender community.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. nance

    I always thought Bruce was the normal one of this group.

  2. Strom

    Poor little imposter,,,,so wants to be Strom!

  3. Strom

    Bruce is SO gorgeous!

  4. Philberto Cardenez

    This is why America is despised

  5. Natalie

    If you tune in and watch this show, you are part of the problem.

  6. Leo

    Bruce jenner is a piece of shit

  7. allan

    the entire family is revolting especially dumpy ass troll kim

  8. ah-yuck

    Bruce needs an exorcism not a sex change. That entire family is vile.

  9. Strom

    Poor little imposter,,,,,so envious of Strom’s success….it just has to sneak around and try and make people think he is real!

  10. xyz

    As I said many times, I truly feel sorry for this man

  11. Palermo

    For those who said Bruce is the nice and sane one, wants to live a quiet life, all I can say is HA! He’s as big of a famewhore as the rest of them.

  12. byefelicia

    Argh! So Bruce has a Journey. And unfortunately they all also have an agenda $$$$$$$ I wish people would stop monetarily supporting this family and their shenanigans. The madness has got to stop. Get off the crazy train, people.

  13. Cal Culver

    Let’s keep it all in the reality family. Dr. Paul Nassif can do the big slice on his show Botched. Boffo ratings. Ultimate reality.

  14. mister baja

    stop talking rubbish.

  15. Strom

    Short girls should always ware shoes the color of their hem.

  16. Strom

    Kim is SO gorgeous!