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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



Certainly Bruce Jenner is the talk of his high school alma mater in Newtown, Connecticut. Back in the 60’s Bruce was an athletic superstar there and his name and sports awards are posted all over the walls of the gymnasium and the track. He seemed to enjoy all the perks of being a dominant male in the Mad Men era.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Strom

    Poor little Bob, so jealous of Bruce & Strom!

  2. Bob

    strom wants to take it up the ass from any black man.

  3. Daggers

    Message to Strom troopers:

    I totally agree with your statement about churches being infiltrated with corruption, money-hungry, sex, gays, etc.

    What has that go to do with Bruce Jenner’s story, which is now known world-wide.

    The key words here are : underground….kinky….(fill in the rest). Those who live a deviant lifestyle just love love love the new Brucie.

  4. Strom

    Little imposter…has to include Strom’s name in everything it does!

  5. Eric

    Genius, too funny, and sadly accurate !

  6. Strom troopers

    ” all the perverts, misfits, and crazies will sooner or later ”

    end up preaching full time in a drive through Souther Baptist church, while they abuse the local children, consume the local meth, and vote for the local tea party wackjob … I’ll wager that your average Christian college has, per capita, more reppressed, closeted, cross dressers than any other social group, except perhaps from the GOP

  7. Daggers

    This is truly Re-Dick-erous.

    Here is what happened. Living with Mama Kris and all the K-Klan drove him completely and totally nuts.

    Satan commanded his demons to enter him and convince him he should be a woman.

    As stated above, this is Re-Dick-erous.

    No good will come of this: all the perverts, misfits, and crazies will sooner or later do something gross to him when they get him alone. Wait for it, wait for it.

  8. fifi

    Not a hero but mentally ill. Transgenders commit suicide at a rate of 20 times the average-after surgery.

  9. Strom

    Poor little imposter, the laughing stock of the world! It has such a plain and boring life, it wants to be someone else.

  10. Strom

    No there’s more than one person ridiculing me.
    Lots of people are ridiculing me.
    I am the laughing stock of this website.

  11. Strom

    Poor little imposter,,,,he gets his jollies by posting three times…….Enough on Bruce, is Kardashian payola sponsoring this?

  12. xyz

    He used to be a normal man

  13. mister baja

    …….what went wrong in his education?

  14. Georgie

    Handsome, yes. Athletically gifted, yes. A catch? No. Too messed up, too self-absorbed, too flakey (ie, not seeing his kids or paying child support).

  15. golden bubinette

    “race tators”, oh Strom, what a dummy you are, too funny

  16. strom

    imposters are knarly lesbien race tators

  17. Strom

    (I am a reptile.)
    I have reptile dysfunction.

  18. Strom

    Hubba, hubba!!

  19. susieserb


  20. veritas

    lived a lie for 65 years

  21. Noblecascade

    he was a very good looking man. Hope for his sake he is as good looking as a girl.

  22. Philberto Cardenez

    A disgrace