We’re relieved to hear that Britney Spears FINALLY gathered the courage to fire her manager Larry Rudolph. While she was in rehab she was stewing over how to get rid of him gracefully. Brit had changed handlers earlier his year and brought back her former manager Larry. THAT’S when everything started to go wrong. Larry, who barely knew Kevin Federline, pushed Britney to divorce him. He assumed Kevin was the root of all her problems. Britney was upset and vulnerable and she did as she was told, even though she still loved Kevin. Britney was so distraught over the bustup that she started abusing substances. Larry urged Britney to pal around with Paris Hilton – another horrible mistake. Britney had time to think it all over in rehab and she realized Rudolph had nearly ruined her life with his bad advice. Larry saw it coming – we hear he put his house on the market a few weeks ago.
Can this woman not make her own mind? ummmm. forget I said that.
This sounds extremely accurate in the way you detail it. I believe you may be correct.
Bullshit! The girl is a straight up crachkead and boozer! She causes her own problems. No one else but HER. She needs to accept responsibility for all of her own mistakes. She’s a big girl with a mind of her own!
This is the spin from her new PR person. As we’ve seen for the past couple year when she had no PR person, she is a straight up idiot. SHE was in control of her PR when gave that amatuer interview with Matt Lauer, she hung around Paris, she drank and passed out, she didn’t wear panties.
It is incredible that the PR people think we are stupid enough to believe she’s been acting like a crack whore and making every PR mistake one an make for the last couple years based on bad advise that was given to her.
All you ever hear about that idiot is that she WON’T take her advisors advice.
She is over. There is no comeback for her. Just like Whitney Houston, the public has seen behind the carefully scripted PR image and we’ve seen the truth.
not again another story about this weird girl.
If all this is correct with her personal life, why has she focused on her career ?
What’s she doing in terms of work.
Better put, when was the last time she had a job?
Why’d she go into retirement in the first place, oh yea – to be a mother and create a happy home life. She got bored with that and no doubt hired her old manager who probably felt old Kevin F. was too controlling or not controlling enough.
Wonder when she’s going to crank out that next number one song and tour.
I think it is funny that she really thinks she can make a comeback. I guess she’ll learn the hard lesson that you only get one shot in life. If you blow it, it may never happen again. Isn’t there anyone more talented that the record companies can spend money to develop. I don’t think anyone will buy her manufactured music at this point.
Whitney Houston will make a come back much like how Tina Turner came back and then fizzled away again.
What Whitney ought to be doing is traveling around the South visiting all those black churches and creating a fan base for her future musical debut in Christian music. Which demographically speaking is a growing field, where in which when the black population grows older and wiser (notably the hip-hop crowd they’ll be looking for insightful music, something that will give them a lift)
Compared to all that hiphop stuff now which has a way of killing off people – the East Coast vs West Coast wars.
What a bunch of crap. I’d be embarrassed if that story leaked about me and I was 25. Sheesh – I’m so sick of hearing about her that it’s beginning to make me mad. I wouldn’t buy a THING that had anything to do with her. Skanky momma.
So that’s her plan to blame LR, first it was all Kevin’s fault now it’s Larry’s, she’s running out of people to blame.Dont forget she was mad at her mom too for awhile, she a freak all on her lonesome. Janet, since when did you get so stupid, you’re not a country bumpkin so dont play it like that. Britney is a whore, and she cant blame anyone but herself for her bisexual antics and drugging and drinking. Did Larry tell her to leave her kids every freaking day too?
Britney is OVER!
So it’s not her fault she flashed her kitty kitty to the world?
It’s not her fault that she walks around bare feet cruising public gas station washrooms?
It’s not her fault that her career is in the toilet?
I don’t feel sorry for her.
Larry Rudolph lucked out – he gets paid to leave a sinking ship. Britney’s always blamed other people for her many problems – the only common denominator is her.
I don’t feel sorry for her.
me neither. She should grow up.
She’s a lunatic looking for what’s left of her career.
Those poor kids; if mama’s not nuts, she flashing her va-jay-jay, or she’s in rehab.
Sad and pathetic.
i am tired of her and those dumb looking clothes she wears stay home please!
Managers are supposed to help run your career – not your personal life!
What a train wreck she is.
she got the plague everything has gone GREEN and i am tired of this very ugly scum fur ball.
The woman is a stone cold idiot. Period. I’ll bet she smells like cheetos and feet. I feel sorry for her children and her family, because Britney is deluded and insane. She’ll be broke and living in a trailer park by age 30. For a woman who claims she doesn’t want press, why live in California and conduct your life like this? I don’t believe a word that comes out of her hillbilly mouth. For God’s sake take some responsibility for your actions. Ponderous.
leave califonia if you don’t like this lifestyle she is a liar.
she is also on some kind of brain dead meds
I hope she has someone in her family who knows her well, gives good advice and that she will sit down and listen to. For her sake and her kids sake. And after that, enlists a stylist!