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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Jon Peters must be highly flattered at the prospect of Bradley Cooper playing him in an upcoming movie. Nobody has admitted that Bradley’s character is based on Peters (they probably don’t want to be sued.) Peters launched his career in the 70’s as a hairdresser turned sleazy Hollywood producer with the help of his girlfriend Barbra Streisand, and he was notorious for egotistical bad behavior and accused of sexual harassment multiple times. (He was married to Pamela Anderson for 12 days) Let’s say he gave self-indulgent Hollywood producers a bad name. So He WILL be an interesting character for Bradley to play…

Above, Bradley filming in Encino

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Kait

    Don’t “self-indulgent Hollywod producers” already have a bad name? The quality of this site’s writing is long gone. I think Janet sold to the highest bidder.

  2. Who ordered the deviled cheese and ham?

    Barbara cares deeply for the women and children of Gaza who are in terror after nightly bombings by the IDF.