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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

Renee Zellweger continues to spoil her boyfriend Bradley Cooper’s mom Gloria. Whenever Bradley’s parents are in town, Renee makes a point of taking his mom shopping and lunching like best girlfriends. She presented Gloria with her first Hermes bag and hooked her up with some fashions from Renee’s favorite designer Carolina Herrera. Bradley’s family adores Renee and they’re hoping the relationship lasts.

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  1. Strom

    Please go to Tulsa and take the nutty and rampling posts with you…they will appreciate them.

  2. Casonia..Hells Kitchen would all be about holding your tongue and..Listening and gather understanding in the direction he wants to take you..Learning his food and being gone for 8 weeks!


  3. Casonia..Hells Kitchen would all be about holding your tongue and..Listening and gather understanding in the direction he wants to take you..Learning his food and being gone for 8 weeks!

    She is smart and kind and thoughful and funny and has a wonderful personality and what is not to love. Plus lets add in for good measure Beautiful.

  4. Casonia..Hells Kitchen would all be about holding your tongue and..Listening and gather understanding in the direction he wants to take you..Learning his food and being gone for 8 weeks!

    What a great way to start the day and share special moments together and create lovely times together as great friends.

  5. Casonia..Hells Kitchen would all be about holding your tongue and..Listening and gather understanding in the direction he wants to take you..Learning his food and being gone for 8 weeks!

    So sweet and thoughtful and sounds like a very nice time together.

  6. Jeannified

    My God! I thoguth that was Renee Zelweger’s mom! They look just alike! (Except that mom is orange!)

  7. Scooby

    Nothing says commitment like trick-or-treating with your future mother(monster?)-in-law.

  8. SebastianCanada

    Love the comments about BC being gay.

    A happy CAMP-er. HaHaHaHa! Priceless.

  9. Rota Barron

    Renee thrives on attention the way other lifeforms need oxygen. So it’s not a surprise that she would be up for this fauxmance. But the look of utter detachment on Brad’s face when they are photo’ed together speaks volumes. He looks like he’s working a 9-5 job, which he is, of course.

    By contrast, in all the pics where Kenny Chesney is shown frolicking with the boys down in Key West, he couldn’t look more happy.

  10. Bettye Bluejay

    That’s one way to get a man, romance the female members of the family so they’re the ones pressuring the guy to get married.

  11. Nicely Trimmed Beard

    I remember when Jennifer Aniston was auditioning for the role. She must have gotten a look at the “in-laws” and run a mile LOL.

  12. Anonymouth

    And now that it’s obvious Renee is turning providing false hetero cover into a second career, we guess that the “fraud” which ended her first marriage was really because Kenny’s check bounced. 🙂

  13. Anonymouth

    Awwww. Anonymouth loves Florence Henderson. She would have been magnifica in this!

  14. funky booty

    these are two people walking and shopping at their leisure. why oh why, do people insist on celebs dressing up, when the majority of us have been out shopping not looking our best. please!

  15. Indy

    I’ve read first hand accounts of encounters with Renee and they said she was super sugar sweet, took time out to ask where they were from, sign autographs, super friendly.

    I still can’t see how she got to be a star with that little zero mouth and squinty eyes, and not that great an actress.

  16. CindyLou

    There is nothing even remotely attractive about these two ladies. You would think with all the money they have to spend on handbags, they would have spent some on hair, makeup, clothing, shoes and contact lenses. Dear Lord! I wouldn’t dare go to Publix looking like that.

  17. Hollywood Inside Her (Yep. I do porn)

    You’re right on the money, Scooby. They really really wanted Florence Henderson for the part, but they just couldn’t afford her price; besides, the Exec. Producer said Flo looked “too Gentile-ish”…so they went with “reality casting” and this is the unfortunate result.

    But sources on the set say that Bradley is not a happy camper! He thinks this casting choice detracts from his image (don’t get me started on what he thinks of Renee), so don’t be surprised when ******SPOILER ALERT****** Gloria is crushed to death on the street by a falling safe in the third season.

  18. Lenny

    I’ve always found Renee to be creepy and weird. Don’t care whatsoever for her acting.

  19. Scooby

    Jeebus H… Mine eyes!

    Renee’s salary must have blown the production budget sky-high if this Hobbit was the only thing they could dig up to play “Mom.”

  20. Palermo

    She always looks like she is sucking a sour lemon.

  21. Indy

    I have never seen a pic of Renee where she looked like she had any hair…it is thin and fly-away baby-fine and listless. Also, her lips are always in a little zero, which she constantly purses down in a twitch every time she finished a sentence.

  22. Anonymouth

    Liberace II’s “girlfriend” is Hollywood’s most accomplished beard (and certifiable head-case), and his mother is QUASIMODO, Hunchback of the Upper West Side.

    Now THAT’S Entertainment.

  23. Anonymouth

    Renee worries: “Will our surrogate-produced children inherit Gloria’s size 15 hooves??”

  24. Anonymouth

    Imagine Mama Cooper’s dismay when Renee cut two eyeholes in that Hermes bag before presenting it to her.

  25. Anonymouth

    Oh, and pictures like this one make Brad wish Mom was still locked in the basement, chained to a stone wall.

  26. Anonymouth

    “Bradley’s family adores Renee and they’re hoping the relationship lasts.”

    …and if Renee has a penis, it will!

  27. Mel Zipskin


    Give the guy his props BC is a good decent actor yet this routine is tired this is not 1959 and he is not Rock Hudson!!

    BC has a classic example of gayface he was “born that way” to quote Lady Gaga.

  28. Cinnabon

    we all know renee is bradley’s beard…both of their first marriages ended in fraud…hmmmm

  29. Pippa-London

    Why would Cooper bother with “Lemon Face”? She is old and dried up. Disgusting taste. Hmmph.

  30. captain america

    (that’s why they love it)

  31. SebastianCanada

    Well, we all know where Bradley gets his masculine good looks from…His mom!!!

  32. alwaysanonymous

    that handbag is not Hermes, it is Goyard