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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


“Bachelor” Brad Womack, 37, stunned and outraged his audience on the show in 2007 when he refused to choose ANYBODY. He rejected both finalists DeAnn Pappas and Jenni Croft. He explained “I was honest- I didn’t want to lead anybody on.” He’s being given a second chance, but in spite of the fact that he insists he has changed since 2007, he vowed to “walk away again” if he has to. But we know he WON’T. Why? Because before producers agreed to use him again, he had to sign a contract that no matter what, he has to pick SOMEONE this time around.

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  1. icon collection

    The authoritative message :), funny…

    P.S. Please review icons

  2. SebastianCanada

    cal, yeah the drama around these shows is what is really interesting. I have never watched The Bachelor, but I loved the fallout from the Jake Pavelka season of the show. Jake, like most of those idiots, thought being on the show would offer some advantages (Jake had/has an embryonic acting career), but he ended up looking like a major douchebag.

  3. Bu

    This guy is a train wreck!

  4. Teddy

    Janet, thank you for EXPOSING this FRAUD that is The Bachelor. This mess of a show was really decent in the beginning–remember Trista and Ryan, the ONLY non fame whores and frauds that ever represented that show with dignity. The Bachelor is a Plague on Society. Stop representing love and romance like its some big orgy of money and funny. That’s why American children are messed up–messed up TV. Reality TV and Scam Shows Like the Bachelor and all it’s ilk. *steps off soapbox and adjusts pearls, and spits a loogie at my queer fascination/repulsion of Hollywood bright and shiny objects**

  5. Natalie

    The fact that he chose neither one after leading both on made for bad TV. He should have picked one and proceeded like all the others…had a break up a month later (which is what he’ll do this time around since he’s being forced to pick one).

  6. cal

    haha didn’t pick either one, i don’t watch this sort of cr*p – but that would have been funny to watch

  7. wim

    (they can handle that)

  8. pit bull lover

    who would bother to watch this dreck? ”has to pick someone”… even if he cares for no one. ??
    what a joke. what a farce. what an insane concept of a show.
    B A H ….. broadcast TV. blows.

  9. SebastianCanada

    He has to pick “someone”? Hope the producers were more specific. If not he may walk into the sunset with…a cameraman.