When it comes to wine, it appears that Angelina Jolie has more status than her ex-husband, Brad Pitt. During their marriage, Brad and Angelina launched their winery, Chateau Miraval, with a rose wine that became an instant status symbol. As their popularity as a couple grew, so did the price of the wine – it got so expensive at one point that retailers like Trader Joe’s stopped carrying it. Well the marriage didn’t last, and Angie sold her interest in the Chateau and winery to a Russian oligarch and apparently it’s no longer as in demand as when it was affiliated with the attractive couple. Case in point: it’s back at Trader Joe’s selling for less than HALF of what it did a few years back. A wine industry source explains that when unproven allegations of violence came out against Brad during the divorce, the brand got tainted and lost its popularity among its formerly loyal female clientele.
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
Everything else aside, the draping on that leather dress is amazing.
Mitch Blashke
Brad helped Gywneth when Harvey Weinstein tried to get her on the casting couch. A stand up guy!