Maybe Everybody Loves Raymond, but no one with an ounce of sense loves Patricia Heaton any more! Michael J Fox’s poignant TV ad urging stem cell research has the christian fanatics all lathered up. Last night Patricia Heaton cranked out her own celebrity ad OPPOSING stem cell research – it’s set to run during the World Series. Heaton says that if stem cell research occurs, “Low income women will be seduced by big checks” for donor eggs. Shame on you, Patricia. This sentiment isn’t acceptable in progressive California. Even our Republican governor has the sense to back stem cell research. It’s not a political issue – it’s a religious issue and Heaton is an embarrassment to evolved women. Readers, express your outrage by BOYCOTTING Albertsons – they employ Heaton is spokesperson. We can show Albertson’s we don’t agree with Patricia Heaton by shopping anywhere ELSE!
Marissa Stahl
Chris Marks
I had never seen the Sandra Fluke twitter feed until today. Now that I’ve seen it I will never watch The Middle again. She is really horrifying. She must be a good actress though b/c on tv interviews you would never know what kind of person she really is. I hope she gets replaced on that show b/c the kids are the best part. What a crazy horrible person. I will avoid anything she has involvement in.
Christian supporter
I agree with Patrica on this matter. One of the commandment say’s, and thier should be no other God’s before me. If your not going to ask yourself, I will tell you stem cell research is playing God.
Patricia Gi
I will NEVER buy another product that supports this hateful woman. NO more albertsons!! I will no longer watch her show, I liked it, but not enough to support her sick views. I cannot believe this woman. I am so disappointed. I loved her in everybody loves Raymond but I am not even going to watch those reruns anymore. I am disqusted that I had no clue about her sick and horrible views. I take full responsibility for not looking into the people that I “admire”…it will NEVER happen again!!!
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jayne in england
I used to love Patricia in Raymond but after reading man many stories about her and seeing her in interviews she has gone way down in my estimations. Stupid bitch
You Left wing loonies are just as bent as the Right Wing Whacko’s.. Get a life. So she has a different opinion than you, and now what? You want to boycott her, or would you prefer to destroy her? You just can’t seem to disagree without being vicious, spiteful and vindictive. Keep it up, because your hate mongering clearly shines through with your your true colors, and just how (in) tolerant you truly are.
OMG, I am so just mortified to be an american with what i hear people say about Patricia Heaton because her views are not as widely received as some other less conservative celebs. She is a good actress, she is an honest person and I really think we should all just get over every one elses political views because we will never fully 100% agree with anyone. She as publically admitted that she regrets doing the commercial about stem cell research, so throw her a freaking bone. No need to call names and be assholes in return. You all are weak and sad and need a life. She is just a person walking her path and we all need to accept each others paths if we are going to encourage a progressive, liberal life.
I thought for a minute that you were gonna change my mind about her, but now I love her even more!
but she has such nice thingys and stuff
Patricia Heaton is a stupid and ugly monkey cunt. What more could you expect from a stupid and ugly monkey cunt?
Heaton no longer does ads for Albertsons, nor has she done any in over a year now. So, why boycott a grocery store due to comments made by a person recently when she doesn’t do any work for them anymore??? That’s stupid.
Shud up!!! I will start shopping at Albertsons!
Just like Michael J. Fox has a right to support stem-cell research, Patricia has the SAME RIGHT to oppose it and the SAME RIGHT to SAY she opposes it. Patricia has done nothing wrong just like Sharon Sardon and other stars who came out against the war did nothing wrong. They exercised their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to EXPRESS WHAT THEY FEEL. It’s time for us to stop being HYPOCRITES and HYPER-SENSITIVE to every opinion that doesn’t agree with our own.
She’s also against infertile couples using IVF and donor eggs becasue it’s against her religion. It isn’t just stem cell research she’s against. I’m boycotting Albertson’s until she’s fired. I can’t imagine anyone else would hire her.
I’ll only shop at Albertson’s from now on. Do your homework, people. Patricia is against EMBRYONIC stem cell research, not adult stem cell research. It’s pretty sad when you villify someone for wanting to protect the life of a baby.
It’s her opinion and no one should crucify her for it. She can believe whatever she wants. Just because it isn’t popular or politically correct does not mean she should be vilified. I give her a lot of credit for taking such an unpopular stance. You have to respect someone willing to do that for what they believe is right.
This just goes to show you that religious nuts come from all circles; even the entertainment industry. Also, I have never found her acting all that great. She is so limited in her emotional range. Always portraying a bitch on everyone loves raymond
Still fed up
Anonomous – apparently you are not capable of understanding the written word. But this is a Stanford University research article and you probably don’t understand all the big words. Clearly all you understand is how to spout rhetoric that some other dimwit passed on to you.
Fed up, That article does not say anything remotely similar to stem cells changing the world. It makes no mention of stem cells having any purpose at all. Obviously, you didn’t actually READ the article, just like none of these people read the amendment or saw the ad.
fed up with stupidity about ESCT
Dear Anonomous – you are too easy. Here is your link:
PS this is one of about 23 million articles on Google about how embryonic stem cell transfers would change the world.
I’m a devout Christian and I’m all for stem cell research. This debate shouldn’t be turned into a battle of religious views. I never liked Albertson’s anyway.
I’m a devout Christian and I’m all for stem cell research. This debate shouldn’t be turned into a battle of religious views. I never liked Albertson’s any.
shaking my head in disbelief
um…. it seems to me that the majority of posters on this website seem to be under the mistaken impression that stem cell research and therapies would not be legal if it weren’t for this initative. Well, they already are. There already is stem cell research being conducted all across this country that MAY or MAY NOT save lives. The pharmaceutical companies have targeted Missouri and are trying to get this initative passed which, when you really do the reading, legalizes human cloning. It claims to outlaw human cloning, but under the definitions, it misrepresents the definition of cloning, which is in DIRECT CONTRAST to what was ruled in the Missouri Appeals Court.
So, you can boycott Albertsons, hate Patricia Heaton, whatever. It’s politicians that throw this into the mix, knowing full-well that people are going to get up in arms about what they think it means and vote for them because they don’t have their facts right. YOU PEOPLE, INCLUDING YOU, JANET CHARLTON, HAVEN’T THE FAINTEST IDEA WHAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT. GET A CLUE! READ SOME WEBSITE OTHER THAN THE PRO-AMENDMENT 2 WEBSITES!!! Know what the REAL issues are! Educate yourselves!! Missourians ALREADY HAVE ACCESS TO STEM CELL RESEARCH AND THERAPIES!!!!!
We, all across this country, have ACCESS to research and therapies. Anybody ever hear of — Bone Marrow Transplants? anybody? anybody? Yes, sir! It’s an EXTREMELY successful therapy that involves, what?, that’s right, stem cells! As last time I did research on the subject, it was legal in all 50 states? That’s right! Amendment 2 wants to go after embroynic cells when the most successful PARKINSONS and Multiple Sclerosis treatments involve cells from the actual patients themselves!!! (It’s called adult-stem-cell regenerative medicine, look it up) And don’t even get me started on unbilical cord blood.
Would you rush out to vote yes on a bill that guarantees clean air and wather? Sure!! What if on the second page, it says that in the process of cleaning that air and water, it’s a process that kills all wildlife? Would you vote for it then?
Show us. Show us some proof that EMBRYONIC stem cell research will change the world. Post a link.
It is amazing how strongly people come out against something that means nothing to them. She obviously has “zero” compassion for the millions of people that could be saved from countless deseases. How can she, or any religious hypocrite hide behind “concern for low income people”. You know what Patricia, don’t concern yourself with the little people!!!!!! Maybe you need to spend more time praying so that you can learn compassion and concern for you fellow human being. Perhaps you should return to school and learn more about the longterm benefits of stem cell research rather than just being another uninformed celebrity, talking about social economic issues you had a brief glimpse at when you tried out for a part in a movie!!!!! Don’t push your religious beliefs on low income people anymore. Being low income NO LONGER means being uneducated. This means trouble for religion!!!!!!
Following is 1: an email I sent to Albertsons; 2: their reply; and 3: my response to Albertson’s reply.
1. As long as you have Patricia Heaton as a spokesperson, I will not shop at any Albertsons or Albertsons owned stores. I am the grandmother of a 17-year-old whose limited mobility and genetic-based medical conditions might be vastly helped through Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer. I support Stem Cell research through financial donations and my own fund-raising efforts. There are many other grocery stores available for me. Any of those others will not provide a paycheck to Patricia Heaton that includes (however miniscule) a transfer of money from me. Sincerely, Barbara
2. Thank you for contacting Albertsons Customer Care. We received your e-mail regarding Patricia Heaton.
While we utilize Ms. Heaton as our spokesperson in our television and radio ads, this does not indicate any endorsement of her personal or political views. We selected Ms. Heaton for her role as spokesperson due to her celebrity persona and high level of awareness with our core customer.
Ms. Heaton is entitled to her own values and beliefs; however, her personal opinions are not necessarily those of Albertsons.
We apologize if you feel offended by any statements she has made, and would ask that you separate those from her role as an actress in our commercials.
Again, thank you for contacting Albertsons Customer Care. If we can provide any information or be of service to you in the future, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail or by calling 1-877-932-7948.
Stephanie H.
Albertsons Customer Care Representative
3. I agree abolutely that Ms. Heaton is entitled to her own beliefs and values and should exercise her right to make those known as she feels best.
However, Ms. Heaton is the visible face of Albertsons and saying that her personal opinions are not necessarily reflective of Albertsons is not an accruate representation of her role in the TV viewing community. Ms. Heaton appears to be, and is assumed to be a virtual extension of Albertsons when she appears in these ads, since as you say – Albertsons selected Ms. Heaton due to her celebrity persona and high level of awareness with your core customers.
I have enjoyed shopping at Albertsons and will resume my former habit when Ms. Heaton is no longer associated with the chain. Until then, I will exercise my right to choose which grocery stores to patronize and those will not include Albertsons.
Ok, you are combining two issues. Simply because Albertson’s employs this woman, it doesn’t mean that they agree with her views on stem cell research. I know when something like this happens, you feel like you need to do something about it. However, you must make sure what you’re doing is proactive. Honestly, what’s Albertson’s going to do, tell her not to speak out against stem cell research? They couldn’t fire her for using free speech, imagine what a wonderful lawsuit that would make!
c. johnson
I am pretty sure PH is not against stem cell research. What she is against is Embryonic Stemcell Research, where they will pay women for their eggs and aborted fetuses. There are stem cells in the umbiblical cord of a newborn. Research has not yet shown embryonic stemcells effective on these deseases. What has shown the most effectiveness is stem cells harvested from your own bone marrow.
Stem cell research is ongoing at this time, and no one I know whats to stop it. They just don’t want it to be government funded for embryos. No one can stop Labrotories that are privately funded.
Get the facts and dont go off half cocked.
As far as Heaton saying that low-income women will be seduced into giving eggs — PLEASE. The woman is beyond misguided — she is OBVIOUSLY COMPLETELY IGNORANT ABOUT THE ENTIRE PROCESS OF EGG RETREIVAL. I went through infertility treatment for years and it costs THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS (insurance companies DO NOT PAY) **per cycle** to get the medication to give you more than one egg per cycle. Not only that, you have to go to SELECTED PHARMACIES to pick up this medication — and I can pretty much guarantee you that these meds are NOT GOING TO BE FOUND IN LOW-INCOME NEIGHBORHOODS. NOT ONLY THAT, you are giving yourself shots 2x a day for several days in a row! If the shots are not done correctly, you won’t get any extra eggs at all.. Not only that, you have to see a high-price infertility doctor every few days while you’re giving yourself these shots… and then, who does Heaton think will fertilize the eggs? They have to be REMOVED IN SURGERY in order to be made ready for an in-vitro fertilization, and then, in a lab, fertilized with sperm that the woman has chosen – and the sperm donor has to go through many, many tests to get that far. When these embroyos are not used, they are THROWN IN THE GARBAGE and they are NOT babies — they are zygotes (a cluster of cells) that can be used to CURE DISEASES like Parkinson’s, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) and a host of others… I will not be shopping at Albertson’s anymore! You go, Janet!
Take a fine tipped pen. Make a tiny dot on a piece of paper. That is the size of a stem cell.
what is the demographic readership of J's website??
It’s funny how there’s 400+ comments on this matter alone, when so many others are comment-less.
Hey Janet-you should print your reader demographic…..
Many people are curious……
I am not Star Jones
i live in new york but my heart is with you in the boycott.
the nerve of this out of touch actress pretending that she’s concerned about low income women and their lives.
and it may be a free country but could wealthy famous people stop pretending they care so much about the plight of the poor?
Ms. Heaton has as much right as Michael J. Fox to say what she feels about any subject. The boycott is stupid, in my opinion.
Before you go running around boycotting something you no nothing about, think about the people who would be affected by this, THE EMPLOYEES OF ALBERTSON’S. Yes, real people who have families, Families who need the paycheck and insurance that Albertson provides. Keep OUT of my families business. BTW, I support Pat Heaton’s views, and I wish MIchael J. Fox well. There is a diff between the stem cell research that everyone is fighting over.
hmm guess I need to START shopping at Albertsons!!
Looks like the only sane people posting to this site are the ones who have actually studied both types of stem cell research. But then again, this is a gossip site. The name calling and insults go hand in hand with ignorance and stupidity.
Scout Finch
To “Scout is a hypocrite liberal ”
At least have the decency to leave your name, so that I’ll know whom I’m addressing. It seems when you can’t dispute the facts you personally attack. You would rather these embryos be thrown out, instead of used to help sick people?
If your husband, wife or child were sick and the scientific community came up with a cure after doing research with stem cells, would you refuse to let them give that cure to your loved one?
You can call me a ‘Liberal” and I’m proud to be one, but I’m far from a “hypocrite.” The definition for the word hypocrite is:
1 : a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion.
2 : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings.
If anything I’m the opposite of that. Good day!
Janet the Charlatan must be loving this. Lord knows her so-called “gossip” never gets this much attention.
Scout Finch
I’m Scout, and guess what I work for WIC (Women Infants and Children) The program provides milk, cereal and baby formula to disadvantaged women. The women are white, black, Hispanic and every other nationality you can think of. Their ages range from teens to in their 40’s. Since Bush has been in office funding for this program has been cut tremendously.
I have NEVER met any woman who has had a baby for profit. Some of the younger girls have been molested (usually by a family member) Or they had sex for the first time and didn’t know they could get pregnant.
You’re free to support whoever you choose, but I think if that were your child or your husband, you would want the medical community to do WHATEVER they could to save your loved ones life. These embryos are going to be thrown away..they are going to tossed out with the other medical waste. So why not use them to benefit people who are suffering? Would you rather them be thrown out or used to help other people? That’s the bottom line. You should really inform yourself before you make uneducated assumptions.
Scout Finch
I’m Scout, and guess what I work for WIC (Women Infants and Children) The program provides milk, cereal and baby formula to disadvantaged women. The women are white, black, Hispanic and every other nationality you can think of. Their ages range from teens to in their 40’s. Since Bush has been in office funding for this program has been cut tremendously.
I have NEVER met any woman who has had a baby for profit. Some of the younger girls have been molested (usually by a family member) Or they had sex for the first time and didn’t know they could get pregnant.
You’re free to support whoever you choose, but I think if that were your child or your husband, you would want the medical community to do WHATEVER they could to save your loved ones life. These embryos are going to be thrown away..they are going to tossed out with the other medical waste. So why not use them to benefit people who are suffering? Would you rather them be thrown out or used to help other people? That’s the bottom line. You should really inform yourself before you make uneducated assumptions.
Donna in Santa Clara
I will NEVER shop at Albertsons again. Shame on Patricia that ignorant BITCH. Her beloved GOD will PUNISH her!
I support what Patrica is saying,
and as for Micheal give him some milk and ice cream and have him sit in the corner and shut up and shake us up a milkshake.
I support what Patrica is saying,
and as for Micheal give him some milk and ice cream and have him sit in the corner and shut up and shake us up a milkshake.
I support what Patrica is saying,
and as for Micheal give him some milk and ice cream and have him sit in the corner and shut up and shake us up a milkshake.
Donna in Santa Clara
Albertsons no longer has me as a customer.