Maybe Everybody Loves Raymond, but no one with an ounce of sense loves Patricia Heaton any more! Michael J Fox’s poignant TV ad urging stem cell research has the christian fanatics all lathered up. Last night Patricia Heaton cranked out her own celebrity ad OPPOSING stem cell research – it’s set to run during the World Series. Heaton says that if stem cell research occurs, “Low income women will be seduced by big checks” for donor eggs. Shame on you, Patricia. This sentiment isn’t acceptable in progressive California. Even our Republican governor has the sense to back stem cell research. It’s not a political issue – it’s a religious issue and Heaton is an embarrassment to evolved women. Readers, express your outrage by BOYCOTTING Albertsons – they employ Heaton is spokesperson. We can show Albertson’s we don’t agree with Patricia Heaton by shopping anywhere ELSE!
I am disgusted by Patricia Heaton. This has nothing to do with abortion but with unfetilized eggs that would be tossed anyway. Shame on you PAtricia Heatin, you ignorany excuse for a Christian. I am boycotting Albertsons
Zelda Krodman
As the widow of a Parkinson’s Disease sufferer, I am appalled at Patricia Heaton’s attitude.
She, as the mother of 4 should be ashamed of herself. She would be the first on line for stem cells if one of her children was stricken with a neurological disease.
Shame on her and shame on the broadcasters who encourage this type of ad in the name of politics.
NEVER want to see her plastic surgeried body and face again. UGH
Scout is a hippocrit liberal
Scout: Either you live in a dump, drive a bicycle, and are on a computer at the library, or you are a hippocrit.
How about we treat the crack addiction instead of killing her babies every six months? Do you realize how many abortions a crack addict will need from beginning to end of her reproductive years?
To Scout Finch,
I work at a clinic for low-income people. Most of the moms we see are not at all embarassed to come right out and tell you that they got pregnant on purpose so they can get a bigger check. So, Scout, please step out into the real world and see what you have created: a very, very large segment of the USA who has no concept of work, no concept of pride, no concept of where money comes from. Just last week, in trying to explain to a mom that she needs to take the birth control pill we provide for her so she won’t have yet another baby, she said: “I won’t! My sister has three kids and she gets almost twice as much as I do!”
Please don’t give me that “you can’t be pro-life and want to cut funding” bit. Women who need the funding have zero interest in aborting.
To Scout Finch,
I work at a clinic for low-income people. Most of the moms we see are not at all embarassed to come right out and tell you that they got pregnant on purpose so they can get a bigger check. So, Scout, please step out into the real world and see what you have created: a very, very large segment of the USA who has no concept of work, no concept of pride, no concept of where money comes from. Just last week, in trying to explain to a mom that she needs to take the birth control pill we provide for her so she won’t have yet another baby, she said: “I won’t! My sister has three kids and she gets almost twice as much as I do!”
Please don’t give me that “you can’t be pro-life and want to cut funding” bit. Women who need the funding have zero interest in aborting.
I am amazed at the amount of HATE on this blog and the comments …… HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE
Scout Finch
People really need to get a clue! The embryos that will be used are the ones that fertility clinics will discard. Why let them throw them away if they can be used to help people who are suffering?
It’s easy to sit back and take the moral high-ground when you don’t have anything at stake: Like a sick child or spouse etc.
It seems to me that Republicans only care about embryos when their inside the womb, once their born and becomes a baby, they could careless about the mothers or the babies. They don’t want these women to terminate their pregnancies, but they want to cut funding to help them out financially and with medical assistance. You can’t have it both ways. I know at least three woman who have had abortions two of the three said the reason they chose not to have the baby was for financial reasons.
If you’re going to be against abortion you should be in favor of programs to help care for the child once it’s born.
Instead of Heaton spending thousands of dollars on plastic surgery, why not take that money and do something that will benefit other people, like maybe donating to help people with debilitating diseases.
How many people who are against this research live with a loved one who is afflicted with a diseases that will benefit from this research. how many people against abortion are willing to adopt a minority crack addicted baby. Are willing to help the mothers out by providing transportation, financial help and anything else that they may need?
Instead of simply boycotting, maybe it is better to also write a letter to the company in protest.
Janet I better not catch you shopping at Albertson’s, since I just stopped shopping tehre to join your boycott.
Whew…what a good one Janet! 400 plus, must be a record. What could possibly top this.
Oh well back to Paris and Scientologists.
Patricia Heaton should stick to acting and keep her ignorant and moral opinions to herself. I just can’t wait until one of her kids write a mommy dearest tell-all. What a piece of work she is. I will boycott albertsons
janet you need help
Well janet, it is just so sad that her opinion does not fall in line with progressive california.Boo Hoo. You people in your progressive california are nothing but a bunch of spinless follow the leaders cause that is the new trend, what does the rest of hollywood think of me losers. At least she has the courage to stand up and go against the grain against all of you. And good for her. It is a religion thing. Because when all of our time is done here on earth we will answer for all we have done, and if trying to save the life of the unborn makes her a bad person here on earth, she will be seen good in the eyes of God for standing up for right. You will not find the cure for a disease by the breaking of a commandment.(#5). But there again the progressive california has no belief of God or the fear of hell.
Oh please, the right is just as guilty as the left when someone speaks an opinion different from their own.
It’s about tolerance and the willingness to openly and respectfully discuss a topic.
I stated earlier that I don’t agree with Heaton. I really don’t care for her as an actress. BUT, she has the right to her opinion.
Yes, Janet was wrong in calling for a boycott, but it’s her web site, she can do or say what she wants.
Also, I seriously doubt that there are more than a handful of people boycotting.
I guess if all of you left wing liberals boycott Albertson’s and all of us with common sense support them, they will be just fine. Just look at the election map from 2004 (Red vs Blue).
Hey Anonymous,
I HAVE watched the ad, and you have no idea what the hell you’re talking about. No wonder you haven’t used your name. In any case if one of her children were sick, I’m willing to bet she’d be singing a different tune.
This has NOTHING whatsoever to do with her opinion, it’s about her trying to stop funding for research that will benefit the living! You know people who are walking around on earth now! Jim thinks he really is the son of God, someone should tell him he’s just a B movie actor.
I’m sure ALbertson’s is just SICK that you are taking your food stamps elsewhere…
Please allow the low income women to sell their embryo’s for stem cell research.
I am sick of my tax dollars going to all of these welfare mothers and their kids growing up to be criminals.
I don’t care for Heaton at all. But, she has the right to express her opinion, no matter how much we might disagree with her.
As far as Albertsons goes, I refuse to boycott a store because of some stance that a celebrity takes on any issue.
Oh, and for the record, I’m a liberal.
Patricia Heaton opposed “embryonic stem cell research”, not stem cell research. Quite a huge difference. Today is the last time I read this website. Bye.
Michael J. Fox has just admitted to ABC that he has NOT read the Missouri amendment — yet he made a commercial about it. How can you believe someone who hasn’t even read the amendment he is talking about??
And besides, stem cells are legal in Missouri anyway!! Patricia Heaton is talking about embroyo cells, not adult stem cells.
People, if you want free speech write to Albertsons and say you SUPPORT THEM!
We all have the right to express our opinion. some may agree some may disagree. I am BOYCOTTING ALbertsons. I disagree with Patricia Heaton.
Leave Janet alone. Like Michael and Patricia, SHE is allowed to express her opinion, too. ESPECIALLY on her own goddamn website. If you don’t like it, go read Rush Limbaugh or Dr. Laura.
No freakin’ way will I boycott Albertsons!! Patricia Heaton stands up for what she believes in and has the right to voice her opinion whether some like it or not!!!
I just saw an ad for Shaw’s Supermarket. I live in Massachusetts. I will not shop there again until they pull the ad and any association they have with Patricia Heaton. One thing corporations hate is negative publicity. It won’t take long for them to wise up.
Thank you, Janet, for letting us know about this. I WILL boycott Albertsons.
Stick to gossip………or beware of losing your readers…
Janet JUST GROW UP!!!!!!!!
People disagree with you too,but your job is gossip not organizing protests.
You have made it clear that you have not watched the ad.
Stop being such herd of sheep.
Luckily for her she isn’t sick, therefore she doesn’t have an ounce of credibility. Michael J Fox is living with this dreadful disease, he ‘s trying to get help for himself and many like him. GOD bless Michael and all of the people who are suffering.
Patricia Heaton is a judas in sheep’s clothing. I will pray that she grwos a brain. I will boycott Albertsons too
An Embryo About To Be Aborted
No one is against stem cell research.
But, some people are against EMBRYONIC stem cell research.
And many of those people are opposed to FEDERAL FUNDING of Embryonic stem cell research.
Private companies can do all the research that they want – no one in this debate has said they want to outlaw it.
WHY ARE YOU INTOLERANT? You obviously are BIGOTED against people with religious beliefs.
Janet could go jump in the f…… lake. This is America and we have freedom of speech. Plus Ms. Patricia is obviously not a heathen like old crone Janet. By the time stem cell research thinks it may have found something which is very unlikely. Janet will probably be dead. Good ridance ugly b….!
Fuckin WOW!!
Listen to you guys!
Live Life…That’s ALL there is.
I’m having nice fresh eggs for breaky!
Boycott Shaws & Star Market in the Northeast, too! She is their spokesperson as well. BUT—be sure to write the company to tell them why. It repulses me to think this woman benefits by me shopping there. And poor thrice divorced, drug addicted Rush Limbaugh is the LAST person who should be so judgmental! Patricia Heaton was also one of the rabid backers of the unprecedented congressional action to “save” Terri Shaivo. If Rush & Patricia ever get a disease which can be cured by stem cells, I’ll be watching to make sure they forego the “evil” treatment that can cure them!
all the name calling shows us what kind of supporters this boycott has
oh no batman, i bet albertons is really scared!!
40 friends-!!
Patricia Heaton is an ignorant excuse for a human being. Shame on her for being so wrong about something that could cure so many diseases. God will PUNISH her.
I told Albertsons I won’t shop there until she is ditched. She is a bigot and a hate monger and deserves to be shamed.
Free speech means we are free to BOYCOTT ALBERTSON’S. I have told more than 40 of my friends to join the boycott.
Who are the dixie hicks? and why should i care?
I will be shopping albertons-more now!!freedom of speech–its hard to take when its not what u want to hear!!
I think she is allowed her’s just that..”her” opinion. Just like it is “your” opinion saying – another Christian fanatic. It’s okay for everyone in Hollywood to believe one way..but when one or two have the guts to step out of the norm…everyone goes crazy and calls them Christian fanatics. Guess what? I think its a compliment to be called a Christian fanatic. Just means you are being fanatic about Lord and Savior. I don’t know enough about stem cell research to comment on it. I think its extremely sad and disgusting for anyone to say that Michael J. Fox is faking it or taking his disease or anyone else’s lightly. God Bless all of those who are sick with Parkinson’s and I’ll be fanatically praying that a cure is found.
Once again a champion of diversity and free speech favors it only in the instance that it is exactly the way they view the world. She was clarifying what the vote was about which was not just stem cell research (which would remain legal just not federally funded by our tax dollars) – there is specific language in the bill that allows for aspects of cloning. Michael J. Fox left that part out of his ad. The people have a right to know the facts. If you are comfortable with your position on the issue, you should have no problem hearing the other side.
I pledge to boycott Albertson’s. Telling all of my friends
No more ALbertson’s for me. Shame. shame, shame on them.
Attack the issues not the person.
George Bush is killing American men and women. Say no to the war in IRAQ!!!!!!!!
Albertson’s just lost my business too! Never again willI shop there