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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


#bobbybrown #rehab #janetcharlton

Can’t say we’re the LEAST bit surprised to hear that Bobby Brown checked into rehab. Remember he was arrested for DUI in March when he was stopped for driving while talking on his cell phone. A few months before that, we told you we got into a Beverly Hills elevator with Bobby, his then fiancée Alicia Etheridge, and their young son, (Bobby’s 6th child) and although it was only 12 noon, Bobby REEKED of alcohol. What DOES surprise us is the fact that his girlfriend Alicia MARRIED him anyway, two months ago. Why would anyone marry an apparent alcoholic? We’re surprised that she didn’t push him into rehab before the wedding. What’s wrong with these people? So far there are no details on where or how he is getting treatment.

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  1. The Real E (ask Janet about IP and email addresses)

    Why would anyone marry an apparent alcoholic? Um, for love? Denial? Recreating the environment they grew up in? People do it all the time; it’s not limited to the privileged and famous (disclaimer: not that I’ve ever married an alcoholic)

  2. sandy rose

    Some women are so desperate to have a husband — sad!!!!!!

  3. MissEva

    Why is it only OK to drink according to what some clock says? Like Jimmy Buffett says, “It’s five o’clock somewhere!”

  4. Strom

    She is no prize either and remember that 50% of BLACK women have herpes…think ‘ica might qualify, Bobby sure does.

  5. Diva

    Alicia married him because she thinks there money there, and maybe a little fame.
    I believe she’s wrong on both counts.

  6. Denise

    Most unsurprising story of the week.

  7. Strom

    This is the look of success to the BLACK race. You see the goofy woman looking like she has something special. They are just angling for a reality show.

    Send them and Evelyn Lozada back to Africa!

  8. baja

    please welcome the legal season ticket of american losers……………..REHAB!!

  9. Noblecascade


  10. mish mash

    Everyone needs to stop enabling him. He needs a major dose of tough love.

  11. yoyo

    Bobby Brown needed therapy long ago & no one told him? Just how whacked out were his friends not to notice? I can understand his drug dealers not fessing up but seriously, get real.