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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Blackhat (Screengrab)
Photo: Universal
Chris Hemsworth’s new movie Blackhat delivers in all the wrong places. We entered the theater looking forward to seeing the very watchable World’s Sexiest Man, in a story about hackers and cyber terrorism. Hemsworth seems to be following in the footsteps of Tom Cruise. We mistakenly assumed that a film about upscale hacking would NOT include the usual gun battles and car chases that Cruise movies always have. We were wrong. Blackhat is very much a teenage boy action movie with a dollop of romance for the girls. Chris isn’t given much to work with and appears a little stiff, but even his watchability doesn’t make up for a plot we’ve seen before, too many times. Pass the aspirin.

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  1. Georgie

    Bummer. I was hoping it would be a good thriller.

  2. Emily

    Oh Michael Mann, how you have fallen.

  3. Janet's Filthy Wig

    Yawn, I won’t go see any movies that are forcing their no name chinese actors in it to get eastern dollars for hollywood.

  4. mister baja

    hahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha,he is smart??

  5. Philberto Cardenez

    Typical Hollywood garbage.

  6. AnonTwo

    Ain’t the month of january the dumping ground for crap films?
    Eye candy= butts in the movie theaters seats.