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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Who on earth would have guessed that Architectural Digest would have a relationship with stripper Blac Chyna? It’s horrifying but true. Our architectural expert friend Steven Price posted this video on Facebook:
An LA architect named Michael Lehrer managed to keep a straight face while Chyna described her “dream house” – including a sex room. The fact that Blac Chyna has no intention of building a house – never mind the cost – is never mentioned in this startling video. But what has this done to the desperate architect’s “reputation?” Perhaps Lehrer assumes that rappers will now be clamoring for his services…

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  1. Nose Picker

    I’m not a fan of Blac Chyna but I’m not a fan of those Kardashian group.

    What am I missing? What did Miss Janet write?

  2. Harley

    What did Janet write that was offensive?

  3. It’s Me Again!

    Janet, not sure if you’ve ever stopped to think about this, but you have a somewhat veiled racism throughout this blog. I’m certainly not a fan of that disgusting Blac Chyna pig, but your choice of adjectives about black ppl is certainly reprehensible. You need help.

  4. rocky

    ……… she has really done some good things in her life?

  5. katy

    no wonder the world hates america