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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Bette Midler and her husband Martin von Haselberg are separating, but only for the sake of his art. According to an insider, their marriage is rock solid, but Martin (who is a performance artist) demands complete silence when he’s working on his art and -let’s face it – chatterbox Bette is anything but quiet. With Bette’s approval, Martin has been looking for a pied a terre in West Hollywood, California, (not far from their LA home) so he can escape his noisy domicile and work on his art, and occasionally sleep there.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA – Bette Midler with husband Martin von Haselberg, and daughter Sophie


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  1. Cody Warlock

    He looks like he might be wanting to live in West Hollywood for other reasons…

  2. Doc Hollywood

    Bette started her career as a saucy irreverent musical comedian and now that she’s earned fame and money she acts like landed gentry. She’s also hugely critical of poor people and acts like she’s so grand. Hard to like her after seeing this side. Why wouldn’t the husband already have a studio? He can’t be too great- no one has heard of him past tabloids.

  3. Britishteeth

    Face it Bette is the cash cow.

  4. Anonymous

    This is a crock. Just a made-up excuse. Absolutely no Bette fan here. She’s been running her mouth for years and alienating alot of her fans.

  5. Barbara

    A filthy rich man like that could build his own Mara-logo .