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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


#bethenyfrankel #janetcharlton

Like the Kardashians are fond of saying, “everything the tabloids write eventually comes TRUE.” Bethenny Frankel has been denying that her marriage is in trouble while magazines trumpeted she and her husband Jason Hoppy were arguing incessantly and both seeing divorce lawyers. Today Bethenny announced to US magazine that she and her husband are, indeed, separating after only two years of marriage. Supposedly Jason isn’t as fiercely ambitious as his wife and that caused problems. Sounds like a good match to us, but you never know. At least the tabloids are thrilled!

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  1. strom

    The word Shylock is appropriate again as Beth has always been known as one very greedy Yid.

  2. Diva

    I agree with Dawn. Run Jason, run. She isn’t staying skinny from drinking her products.
    She was always nasty to her husband and his parents.

  3. Dawn

    I have never gotten the appeal of this woman. She got her start NOT being a housewife on the 2nd of the Bravo Housewife series. Anyone who looks at her body and then her face knows that she is purger, she eats and pukes and that’s it. Her skinny product is junk but people buy it and have made an already self-important jerk into even a more self-important jerk. I can only hope Jason takes their daughter with him.

  4. anonTWO

    sperm donor/ she got what she needed from him and now its done.

  5. strom

    The word Shylock is appropriate again as Beth has always been known as one greedy Yid.

  6. palermo

    I believe the binging stories, she looks totally unhealthy, that dry wrinkled face far older than her years. She puts money before her family, now her kid grows up without a Dad.

  7. Cheap dirty Janet

    This woman is so vile. The mere sight of her is enough for me to vomit, maybe while she purges she is looking in to a mirror. All her stupid comments some idiots seem to think are funny reveal how damaged and majorly insecure she is.

    I hope all her new money makes her happy because she will burn every relationship she has ever had, no one will love her forever and when bryn is old enough she will not want anything to do with her, sorry Beth you’re just that type of person. We all know at least one jackhole like this.

    At least the kardashians know how to make and keep allies. Something is majorly wrong with this bitch, you can see how ugly she is on the inside by how jacked up her face is. Maybe if she was born beautiful she wouldn’t be such a jerk.

  8. strom

    The word Schlock is appropriate again as Beth has always been known as one greedy Yid.

    Too bad for the child but Jason should get out….Beth doesn’t want to split the proceeds of her other business and it is unclear if it was even her idea.

    Maybe she should ring Barry Weiss or Fred $$Goldman for advice!

  9. mishmash

    Is she the one who plowed into pedestrians a couple years ago?

  10. baja

    the heatseeker will fail in the end.

  11. Hilary

    The real reason, according to, is Bethany’s out-of-control binging and purging, several times a day — it’s how she stays so slim, but not healthy. Lots of details on the above site yesterday, but it has now been removed. Maybe legal action was threatened? Anyway, the eating disorder reason for the divorce sounds far more logical than his “ambition issue.” 🙂