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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



What is it about New York mothers that makes them CARRY their children around until they are preteens? Katie Holmes carried her little girl Suri until she was almost ridiculously tall. Bethenny Frankel is a pro – she manages to shlep her daughter Bryn while wearing stiletto boots and sipping a Skinnygirl beverage.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Sarah

    They carry their children so long out of guilt because nannies spend more time with them than they do; this makes them feel like “mothers.”

  2. missyco

    That kid is too old to be carried around like an infant.

  3. Bluejay

    Ouch! She must be carrying at least 60#, the kid being 50, and the purse 10.

  4. anonTWO

    its all publicity for this wretched female.

    in carry her daughter who is old and capable enough of walking on her own, frankel is attempting to project an image of hands on motherliness.

    in fact, she has an army of nannies and personal assistants to care for all of her own and her family’s needs.

    make it go away!

  5. Kait

    they’re trying to stay thin and use their kids as a workout device. they probably also enjoy being that close to their kids at all times. not a bad thing at all.

  6. Strom

    Staged PR picture that JCH fell for

  7. xyz

    Just another imbecile who bred, nothing to see here, move on. Perhaps her daughter is still wearing daipers, no wonder…..

  8. mister baja

    so these are not caring moms………

  9. Pit bull LOVER

    for once i agree
    i loathe kids being pushed in strollers fer christs sake and being lugged around when they are perfectly able to tramp around like real human beings… ovr.