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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


By stupidly including (and pandering to) Kim Kardashian on its Best Dressed list, People has succeeded in EMBARRASSING every other woman on that list! We’re pretty sure being on a list with Kim has made respectable women like Amal Clooney and Kate Blanchett a lot LESS excited about the so-called “honor.” Aspiring designer Kanye West is probably quite happy because HE takes credit for telling his wife what to wear. Kim wore the nasty get-up above to a dinner WITH HER FAMILY IN PARIS and it was an international embarrassment.
(For more horrible Kim fashion, type her name into SEARCH at top of site)

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Cat

    How anyone can be a fan of these creatins is beyond me. The worst of the bunch is that sorry excuse for a mother, Kris.

  2. zero

    People magazine?
    Is that sorry excuse for a magazine still around?

  3. Toby Flenderson

    There is reason People magazine is referred to as a “kneepad” publication!

  4. alwaysMIA

    When will this demonic, disgusting family finally disappear back into the abyss?

  5. Ugly trash

    What will she do to get our attention when she’s 50? Oh, make a sex tape of her own daughter like momma allegedly did. Gross people.

  6. Fritz

    Her Mother slept with double murderer OJ Simpson ?

  7. Wilson

    KK started out on a sex tape supposedly pedaled by her mother!

    She’s uneducated, although seems smarter than one of her half sisters, at least.

    She’s doing the best she can, pedaling her wares. Better do it now before she gets older and her ample assets really start sagging.

  8. clarence


  9. lippp

    What I really am impressed by is her natural beauty. And if you agree, then I have some Arizona ocean front property to sell you –cheap.

  10. CoCoJoe

    You know when you go out to concerts or clubs and you see a woman like this and you think they look desperate and ridiculous? How do these women think we don’t notice how Uncool they look? (Please tell me she is wearing invisible underwear!)

    BTW: I love the way Cate dresses.

  11. Shelly

    A filthy disgrace of a woman