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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


We didn’t realize how lucky we were growing up in Chicago because BB King was a frequent performer in Old Town. In our late teens, armed with fake IDs, our boyfriends would take us downtown to witness The Blues and sip forbidden drinks like Singapore Slings. At the time we didn’t realize how important BB King would become – we just loved the music. Now he’s gone, but far from forgotten. Above is a video of BB and Bobby Blue Bland on Soul Train in 1975. Check out those lapels.

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  1. Strom

    Poor poor Catone……has been in so many flea bags, while Strom stays in 5 stars. BB was a great entertainer and hard worker, a great model that the Obama group will never follow.

  2. Jane schott

    He was the real deal. I saw him in Ann Arbor in 1968 and he stayed out in the audience and signed every single request for an autograph until the place was empty.

    He was a national treasure and I hope we all listen to a tune in his memory.

  3. Strom

    Poor little jealous Carlos!

  4. Carlos Danger

    In memoriam of Dawn (f _ _ _) Davenport, Strom shall henceforth be referred to as Sofa King Strom.

  5. sandyRED

    That was “real” music — with talented musicians.

  6. mister baja

    we cant thank this gift enough, folks.

  7. Strom


  8. Palermo

    A true legend, I will miss him.