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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


barbra auction


We couldn’t resist attending Julien’s auction of Barbra Streisand’s latest collection of items she doesn’t want any more. Apparently she LOVES to shop and accumulates huge quantities of furniture, art objects and clothing. We’re not surprised by the vintage furniture and lamps and paintings, but the personal items that most people would just throw away were up for sale too. There were two lots of unglamorous old flat sandals and beat up bedroom slippers that probably pre-dated James Brolin. Her loyal fans spent nearly a thousand dollars for the worn footwear.

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  1. Casonia..Verble abuse is a shock to people and on Hells kitchen it all Boils down to a job and being able to listen to some one call you out of your name if you screw up! Words may hurt but the job is good? On Hells kitchen

    The wonder and emotions make you have feelings for the woman and she can sing her ass off and her music is like no other and she is Beautiful in away no one else is in this world and her style and class and kindness is wonderful and outstanding and she has made this world a better place and has torched so many people lives and… To hold something she has torched brings great value to places she wants to help in the future.

  2. Casonia..Verble abuse is a shock to people and on Hells kitchen it all Boils down to a job and being able to listen to some one call you out of your name if you screw up! Words may hurt but the job is good? On Hells kitchen

    To torch something that has been torched by Mrs Streisand makes you feel close to her and knowing she might like some of the same things you like is amazing and fun and really floats people thoughts on air.

  3. Casonia..Verble abuse is a shock to people and on Hells kitchen it all Boils down to a job and being able to listen to some one call you out of your name if you screw up! Words may hurt but the job is good? On Hells kitchen

    Barbra is sharing her style and class and taste with the world and she is allowing the world to get to know her better and maybe she is going to use the money to help and company or organization or something.

  4. Wayne Geddes

    Janet can you post a picture of yourself in a strapless ball gown and stiletto heels? sincerely Your biggst fan!

  5. Bettye Bluejay

    That’s a different story then!
    Her crap does smell like cold cream.

  6. BeBe

    You of course, forgot to mention ALL the money goes to charity. The Streisand Foundation has GIVEN AWAY more than $30 million dollars. So much for her being tight with a dollar.

  7. Bettye Bluejay

    You look great!
    As for Bab’s crap, she must think her nasty shoes smell like cold cream.

  8. really

    babs has a lot of ugly footwear.

  9. kait

    More Janet pics! You’re lookin’ look great, lady.

  10. Mother Hen

    Barbra is as tight with a dollar as any multi-millionaire you will ever meet. Except maybe for Regis Philbin.

  11. pinkstar

    What did you buy?

  12. Etienne

    Damn you, Janet. Don’t you ever age? Glad to see you muted the yellow hair!

  13. pusssykatt

    Babs is a head case. BTW, you look great!!!

  14. strom

    Who is the tranny?

  15. right

    Janet, You don’t look half bad, Doll.

  16. Meg

    Janet, You’re looking great!

  17. captain america


  18. Reta
