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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Okay, we admit to being a maniacally devoted Banksy fan, so we were delighted to hear about his “Unauthorized Exhibition” called The Mystery of Banksy- A Genius Mind, in Munich, Germany. Over a hundred culturally significant items are on display- graffiti, photos, sculptures, video installations, and prints. Some of the artist’s philosophy is also included, such as his mantra “Remember, it’s always easier to get forgiveness than permission.” Banksy, the King of Street Art, has become one of the most expensive artists of our time, so we imagine security there is at an all-time high. Celebrities love Banksy – Brad Pitt has invested millions in his art.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Pippa Jean from Milton Keyness

    Janet, art is what you see in the Louvre or Florence . That’s not art, it’s rubbish

  2. Frankly Dear

    Wow, I’m not exactly of the “get offended by things” crowd, but exploiting the napalm girl like that seems really horrific.

  3. Dan Dan

    Janet, I suggest you read The Painted Word by Tom Wolfe and watch the new Netflix documentary called Made You Look…These will change the way you look at Banksy and all of modern art.