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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


SO glad to see Aziz Ansari back in circulation after questionable sexual misconduct charges derailed his social life. Ansari seems like a basically decent guy- he calls himself a feminist and, in fact, wore a Time’s Up pin to the Golden Globes. Of course, some men claim to be feminists and support women’s groups to ease a guilty conscience, but it doesn’t seem to be the case with Aziz. A woman charged him with crossing boundaries on a date, but it was a far cry from abusing power in the workplace and more like just a bad date. The upside of this situation is that Aziz and many other men might re-evaluate their date behavior. Happily, Aziz has emerged from the storm more knowledgable and cautious (that’s a good thing) and now he’s keeping company with an attractive woman.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. becca

    He never did anything wrong on that date!
    That stupid woman wanted him to do something & he never went along, so she made up a story & then was reamed by numerous women commentators for her lies.

  2. cletus


  3. halle

    He creeps women out