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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


CBS is mulling over its options now that The Late Late Show host James Corden is leaving at the end of this season. While we’ve heard a lot about possible replacements, including a multi-host format, nothing has been decided. The powers that be are quietly meeting with potential replacements and the latest on their wish list is comedian Awkwafina. (a welcome surprise!) A network insider reveals that CBS hosted numerous focus groups and one general consensus is that the gig should go to a younger minority female. The feeling was that there are ENOUGH shows hosted by middle-aged men  (yay!)  and the network needs to appeal to a different demographic, especially at that late hour.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Dan Dan

    Awkwafina is remarkably unappealing. I can’t believe they would give a talk show to her.

  2. Jinn Ho

    She’s stealing trademarks and ip like China often does.

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