Photo Credit: Buzz Foto
We have to give Audrina Patridge credit for being a good sport. “The Hills” actress, despite her breast enhancement, hasn’t had a lot of desirable work come her way. But she’s spokesperson for Bongo, a not-so fancy fashion line from K-Mart and she does what she has to in order to keep everyone happy. This week she donned a tight little Santa’s helper outfit and handed out free cupcakes from a food truck with two shirtless guys on Hollywood Boulevard. A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Enhancement? Quite the opposit this year, Janet! Reality TV personality Audrina Patridge went through a drastic reduction procedure to start 2011 that has left her sagging, flattened, and shapeless. Her once enviable cleavage and curves have been missing all year except at the AMA’s red carpet, where for once, she employed a little boost to her bust to offset the extensive post reduction sagging. Look at the Bongo pics… Audrina’s formerly adorable curves and signature cleavage are sadly nowhere to be found! Perhaps Santa will bring her some lift and support for Christmas.
Tags: Audrina Patridge, Audrina, The Hills, MTV, VH1, Bongo Jeans,
mish mash
It is sad and pathetic. Who is she and why do we care?
That job is akin to being the sample person at Target.
Sister Carole
The guys are hot and she is beautiful. What a cool job she has! I could see where some of the older women on here would be jealous.
Christine India
Hilary’s Duff: And that seems to be her one goal in life: to be known as hot and sexy 🙂
forrest gump
she will be a lovely housewife in america.
well, sometimes desperate too……
Hilary's Duff
Audrina may have fake boobs but so do 90% of the other actresses in Hollywood. Audrina is still hot and sexy.
Next stop: Hooters.
Just because you’ve had a touch of fame doesn’t mean anyone wants to see any more of you.
I guesssss!
Gee, Janet, you almost had us feeling sorry for a celebrity taking on an embarrassing job while the rest of us work our asses off.
Christine India
Audrina has ummmm, what’s the word? ….”dated” every available whore-monger in La La Land and couldn’t snare any of them as a potential husband. As to her present ***job(?)***: is this her future, glomming on to young hottie nobodies to keep herself in the spotlight? BTW, her tit job was b.o.t.c.h.e.d.
Yeah Janet that’s tough work. Handing out cupcakes with a couple of young hotties.
That guy on the left (my left) has got some great abs.
Where is the nutcase mother? ‘drina has bought her some breasts and now has to do something to show them off!