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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Splash News

Honda has trumped you again with their new pet-friendly Element SUV. The car is aimed at the devoted dog owners and features mesh safety restraints for dogs of all sizes in the comfortable cargo area that have been tested with crash-test canine dummies. It includes a non spill water dish and a ramp for dogs unable to jump in and out of the vehicle.This pet-friendly version will probably add a thousand dollars to the $30,000 sticker price, but dog owners will find it hard to resist. Who will be the first animal loving celebrity to buy this? (Maybe Jennifer Aniston. Not Paris Hilton, that’s for sure.)

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  1. Barkley

    Anon April 11, Fords are built tough and I agree, Honda originated in Japan and we should all be buying American cars these days, we need it, but maybe an American manufacturer will take a tip and copy this idea. I think it’s great. My dog loved my Pinto in the 70s, it was styled great for his mobility, he was a small beagle. Unfortunately, they were later found to be combustable upon impact.

  2. Anonymous

    Hello – although a Japanese company, Honda is headquartered in Torrance, CA and employs more American workers than the “big three” in Detroit – so how exactly is this post shameful?? Bravo to Honda for this thoughtful option. PS, I own a Honda element and have convinced friends and family to buy the same (They max out at $24,400, NOT $30,000), and my wife owns a Toyota. Get with the program, people – I will never buy another “American” car because they last 4 years and are poorly manufactured. Fight your jingoistic battles elsewhere!!

  3. gerard Vandenberg

    HONDA………….strange? THE JAPENES LIKE DOGS FOR DINER, folks!!

  4. Anonymous

    Janet, there is a recession/depression on in America. People are losing their homes and jobs and can’t afford to eat. How can you justify running an ad for Japanese cars on your blog? This is shameful.

  5. Pansi

    The best dogs on earth is the Golden Retriever. I can’t have a dog because of swimming pool, but if I had one it would be the G.R. They are smart, affectionate, and don’t slobber and jump all the time like some breeds.

  6. Anonymous

    I hate dogs! They stink and slobber on you!