#ashleytisdale #lindaylohan #janetcharlton

Everybody looks better holding a puppy. High School Musical actress Ashley Tisdale is pictured on the Atlanta set of Scary Movie 5 with her fuzzy constant companion Maui. The movie plot centers around the dance world. Believe it or not, both Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan are in the cast and they are billed above Ashley. Surprisingly – or maybe not – Lindsay is playing a character in her mid 30’s who goes berserk after losing an important dance role.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. That little doggie is super cute (and I’m not talking about Ashley….)

  2. They needed to script a reason for Lindsay Lohan to go beserk?

    Oh and that dog is adorable.

  3. Whose “brilliant” mind put THIS wackadoodle idea of a bomb together? Talk about an instant throwing money into the gutter!!

    PS: Hope that precious pup never gets held by either of those degenerate co-“stars” who might just have enough poision under their fingernails to kill the sweetie-pooch!

  4. Yeah right,she never looked better because of her multiple nose jobs and botox.What a natural beauty!

  5. Ha she is one arrogant WHITE and doubts that she has a spare 100k around so the money is as likely to be paid as a WHITE is to leave a waitress a tip, Nada!
    Nothing is as arrogant as a self important WHITE and Ashley shows why. Good thing the photo was from the front because her caboose is as wide or wider than even Elton John’s! And even whiter!

  6. Poor little imposter just gets its jollies acting like it’s Strom, but can’t quite pull it off. It may have to work at Call Center this weekend!

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