At first we weren’t sure about who was really truthful in the Ariel Winter’s battle for emancipation from her mother. The 14 year old “Modern Family” star moved in with her 38 year old sister Shanelle and wants legal separation from her mother Chrystal Workman. Immediately, her mother INFORMED POLICE that she caught her daughter in bed with her 18 year old exboyfriend Cameron Palatas and reprimanded her and THAT’s why Ariel wants her freedom. (Ariel’s coworkers don’t believe it.) Keep in mind, Ariel’s sister Shanelle had similar problems with her mother and ended up in foster care twenty years ago. The mother sniffed that Shanelle “ran off with a gang member to a crack house.” THAT’S HOW SHE TALKS ABOUT HER DAUGHTERS! Modern Family sources have leaked info that Ariel’s mother was a nightmare on the set – tormenting Ariel about her weight and looks – and they wanted to ban her from the set. We have concluded that this mother is a monster and her daughters are way better off without her.
My grandpa always said that if you want to know what a girl will look like in 30 or 40 years, just look at her mom. Never more true than in this picture and in those of Taylor Swift and her mom. These girls and their moms already have the same face. The amplified figure is sure to follow!!
Wait there are probably truths on both sides? Taking a kid away from a stage mom because the mother complains about weight issues is hardly justifiable (no matter how harsh). Daughter number one could have been in gang activity and the mom could be telling the truth (how’s that bad in defending herself).
Daughter number two could have been in bed with her boyfriend….gee that wouldn’t be the first either? Is there a dad in the picture?
Steve Canyon
she has an eye on the Lohan-Family?
Now who are these people?
Can we ship this “mom” and Dena Lohan off to some island?
Sounds like another mommy dearest who never got to be a celeb. Hope Ariel won’t suffer too much in the long run cuz shrinks don’t come cheap.
mish mash
Looks like a Mama Rose wannabe.