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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Splash News

We just got some juicy details from movie mogul Ron Meyer’s Easter party in Malibu last Sunday. It was aiming to be “green” – in Hollywood that means no paper plates or cups – only china, silver, and crystal, plus linen table coverings and napkins in pastel colors. All the trees in the driveway and yard were festooned with pastel ribbons.
Nearly 500 guests and their kids feasted on custom omelets and waffles, vats of oatmeal with raspberries, bagels, etc. topped off with mountains of Sprinkles cupcakes in pastel colors. Two forty foot long buffets groaned with designer food. The kids ran around and hunted for hundreds of plastic eggs that were hidden all over the beachfront property- they were stuffed with candy, toys and some with cash!
While Suri and Katie hunted for eggs, Tom Cruise played touch football and he was described as “throwing like a girl.” Barbra Streisand and James Brolin had a long conversation with Meryl Streep. Also socializing and sipping champagne: Warren and Annette, Goldie and Kurt and Kate Hudson, Tobey McGuire, Leonardo DiCaprio, the Spielbergs, Conan O’Brien, Jamie Foxx, and the Arquettes. (in photo above)
Most of the kids over ten were furiously texting and talking on their cell phones.
The best part was the “Petting Zoo” – “it was like Noah’s ark.” They had baby chicks and ducks, baby pigs, baby goats, two baby ZEBRAS, miniature ponies, a baby kangaroo and a baby camel, and a young chimp. Before guests departed they were reminded to pick up their individual Easter baskets, which were hanging in the trees labeled with each child’s name. The hefty baskets contained MORE STUFF- movies, DVD’s iPods, games, gourmet chocolate, toys, stuffed animals – whatever was age appropriate.
Wow. And this was a “green” party in the middle of a recession!

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  1. Anonymous

    No paper napkins etc, but hundreds of plastic eggs and ribbons which will go into the trash, really great for the environment.

  2. Celeste

    Coco Arquette is a, um, different looking kid to say the least. She will fit in perfectly with the goofy off-the-wall Arquette clan. Plus, I think Suri Cruise will be the most spoiled of all, as she already orders Katie around and gets anything she wants.

  3. valley girl

    Rumer Willis for sure could have made it on her own if she had been born to a non-famous couple. Bruce and Demi had nothing to do with her becoming a famous starlet. rotflmao

  4. PoopieStryker

    Hi all. Look, when I say I am striking against the work product these people turn out, I am not saying that I will close my eyes and ignore the goings on in the world of entertainment. I am not going to let these no talent fools ruin it for me. I can still comment against the regression in the arts and the lack of creativity. I used Angelina as an example earlier. I meant no disrespect towards her, especially since I’ve been team Angie long before it became fashionable. The comment here is, are these kids spoiled? Think about it. They have no incentive to pursue interests outside their parental circle, or an education (thus many cant’ articulate a coherent sentence and grow up with a brain full of mush). With this comes a sense of entitlement. We have allowed the absolutely non-talented Kardashians and Jenners and well, you know them all, to infiltrate the entertainment industry when more deserving actors don’t get a break. The commonality here is having famous parents.

  5. anonymous

    Shame on the Meyers. What bad taste to have such a decadent party while others are losing jobs and mortgages. Can’t they just go to church and write a check to a charity for the price of the party?

  6. Anonymous

    Poopie, you’re right about Angelina she adopts a kid from overseas and everyone else does it, she goes to a clinic cause she wants twins and now half of Hollywood is having twins! and everyone knows the money spent to have Angelina lips, it use to be we never knew what celebs children looked like (some were never even mentioned) for fear of kidnapping, now it’s who’s kid gets more magazine covers.

  7. lovie mae

    Oh, Ron Meyer is just the top dog of Universal Studios. His rather plain looking daughter Jennifer finally snagged Tobey Maguire after chasing him for a long time. They have l kid and l on the way.

  8. Neena

    PoopieStryker – i don’t agree with your comments on Angelina Jolie. However i do agree that quite a few celebs now do not do enough IMO to protect their kids from the limelight.
    Celeb culture is out of control and it’s weird and sad that little kids are now celebs because of their parents.

  9. gerard Vandenberg

    This kid is almost big enough to run a MARATON!!
    (these are the BAD examples of the society)

  10. Jules Stein

    Poopie Barrarfed: “There used to be a time when these hollywood kids were never seen until Angelina made it fashionable to troll around hollywood carrying a kid instead of a poodle.”
    I’m sure Joan Crawford, Hank Fonda, Bette Davis etc. would soundly disagree with that silly statement. If you don’t like Angelina, just say it, don’t drag kids into the mix.

  11. Anonymous

    How does one go about getting adopted by some super couple in Hollywood? Nice life for those kids! It would be nice if they took those baskets and maybe donated them to a kids charity or something. I’m sure there are some kids out there who didn’t get much for Easter this year.

  12. Anonymous

    How is it “green” to use utensils and linens that have to be washed after use? Isn’t Ron aware of the water shortage in CA? You’d think he’d be a little more aware, given that the Universal backlot he oversees burned down because of a problem with water pressure.

  13. Anonymous

    Right PoopieStryker, continue your strike…by visiting an effing gossip blog. And we aren’t reading about who Ava Gardner just married or Zsa Zsa Gabor’s new movie. We’re reading about the new Hollywood celebrities you just railed against. Really effective strike you got goin’.

  14. Anonymous

    Sounds like a 500 thousand dollar party. Never heard of Ron Meyer, but he throws a pretty hip party.

  15. Anonymous

    I didn’t know that Jews and Scientologists celebrated Easter? Did they all convert?

  16. xoxo

    My invite must have gotten lost. Sounds like I missed something that was finally worth attending…

  17. PoopieStryker

    There used to be a time when these hollywood kids were never seen until Angelina made it fashionable to troll around hollywood carrying a kid instead of a poodle. She went overseas and adopted a child and this was viewed as novelty by her peers. Madonna’s kid who lived in relative obscurity is now supposedly a fashion icon because she can wrap a scarf around her neck. To be daughter or son of so and so has became the ticket to money and fame. Forget about actually possessing an ounce of talent. Nicole Ritchie and Zoe Kravitz are the perfect example. Their parental connections have made them very rich socialites. Now they are trying to shove the new generation of useless protoplasm in Suri, Shiloh, Apple, Kingston and Zuma down our throats (you don’t forget idiotic names). You can add Harlow since the formula has worked so well for mom. It won’t be long before these kids begin jocking for position as to who is dating whom. Since hollywood has long ceased to be creative, people will eat this up. Will Suri do….before Shiloh gets to….? I want my old hollywood back. Until then, I will continue my strike.