Caitlyn Jenner, 68, and her new best friend Sophia Hutchins, 21, just returned from New York where they attended some charitable functions. Many observers assumed they were more than friends because they’ve been hanging out together for a few months, but Jenner INSISTS there’s “no romance – just friendship.” Despite the age difference, they do have a lot in common – both are transgender so they certainly have a lot to talk about. Sophia is still a student at Pepperdine University and Caitlyn often takes her to Hollywood events. We wonder if they might have met in a cosmetic surgeon’s office.
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
Saturday, March 10, 2018
Toby Flenderson
Does Bruce still have his twig ‘n berries?
I hope he kept his, er, wits about him in case he decides it is just a phase. Apparently the remorse rate/suicide rate for changes is around 40%. Of course activists shut down any discussion of problems in candyland. It’s all unicorn farts and rainbows!
Sophia looks like a “B” version of Ivanka Trump!
Giuliana De Pandi-Rancid
Sophia’s look:
After a LOOOOONG weekend when you have flown off to NYC, only to discover to your horror that your array of pharmaceutical hormones was left on the bathroom counter–back home in LA!
As for romance, we’re thinking it’s strictly platonic. As Cait seems to go through BFFs regularly, we’re guessing that the dry-as-dust personality that was Bruce, was one thing she couldn’t shed. 🙁
Dude needs to shave that moustache
Paloma Sirieda
Bruce is still dressing from his mother’s closet?