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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD

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  1. Cynthia

    She looks like Charlize Theron!

  2. Cynthia

    Love her! She’s a good actress, loved her in Nip Tuck and Day of the Dead. Annalynne is pretty. She will never be the Farrah of this generation, but she is the next big thing and it girl in tinseltown.

  3. jess

    I don’t agree. Farrah was so stunningly beautiful that you couldn’t take your eyes off her. This girl isn’t ugly, but she’s nothing special.

  4. cal

    I love her dress and shoes, hair… not so much, in this pic it looks wirey, grey and plastered with hair spray – yuck.

    I remember an old lady I used to know, used to get her hair ‘done’ once a week and it was so hard with hairspray. She had a dead fly stuck in it once and we didn’t tell her – prolly cause she was such a bitch, ha ha ha.

  5. cathy


  6. pig

    This type of starlets in GollyWeird is a dime a dozen (maybe a dime a hundred). They flare up fast and burn out fast when their (usually filthy) TV series is canceled.

  7. right

    This woman is not to thin. But she does have to much clothing on. Less clothing = more interest.

  8. captain america

    yep, IN HELL.

  9. Generation X

    When the boring ‘90210’ folds, so will Annalynne. She will be just another starlet who will do anything and anybody to be back in the spotlight.

  10. Etienne

    Dream on, Janet!

  11. friz freeling

    janet, are you serious? I just think you have a foot fetish.

  12. mike black

    Bite your tongue woman! There was and will only ever be ONE Farrah Fawcett! This person (whom I have never even heard of) has nowhere near the wholesomeness, style or beauty of the beloved ICON that is Farrah! Besides, she has waaaay too much hairspray holding her attempt at a Farrah ‘do in place.

  13. Reta

    Like most of today’s crop of young starlet’s, she is far too thin. She was good as a bad girl on FX’s Nip/Tuck tho.