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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

90210 star AnnaLynne McCord and her sister Rachel stocked up on chips at their local Ralphs, but despite the fact that they had no makeup on, their shapely bare legs attracted the attention of male shoppers. Note the guy in dark socks invading their space. A security guard chivalrously walked the scantily clad sisters to their car.

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  1. prttymn

    I do understand that it might be fun to bag on someone in the public eye, but not this time. A.L was my neighbor in my apartment building in West Hollywood until the stalkerazi followed her home and parked across the street, Then, for her sister and her sake she moved to a more private and safer home. In reality, she is and looks very healthy, not sickly at all. And that is her without makeup. Also she is super intelligent. Did anyone know that she got her high school diploma at 15 so that she could start acting full time? And that she spearheads her own charity org? Didn’t think so. Actors ACT. They aren’t necessarily the parts they play.

  2. gay tallywacker

    Because a scarf and newsboy cap always goes stylishly with nothing else on doncha know.

  3. Anonymous

    Moron left home without her pants! hahaha

  4. ronnie

    No make-up? Come on! They are wearing plenty of make-up, just neutral colours.

  5. Anonymous

    Hummmm? A Posh Spice wannabe that falls short of the prize.

  6. bonnie blizzard

    AnnaLynne plays the part of slut to perfection in 90210. The new 90210, in my opinion, sucks. It’s not anything like the old 90210 where they all the characters were sleeping together, yet in a strangely modest way. BTW, do these girls always have to have male attention even when they shop, they can’t dress ladylike.

  7. Dieter

    I’m surprised that these girls eat anything other than tomato soups.

  8. Anonymous

    Nice legs. I’d like to get a look under her jacket.

  9. gerard Vandenberg


  10. Anonymous

    he looks like he’s A: annoyed and B: trying to get past them

  11. Dudley Dawson

    What guy in black socks? I see a guy in BLUE with matching Blue socks who is probably a flaming homosexual since he has color coordinated his entire outfit. And who the hell is this Anallube McCord?