Anna Nicole Smith’s little girl Dannielynn is five years old now and she seems to get prettier every day. Will she have an awkward phase? Her dad Larry Birkhead is carrying her backpack and papers as they leave school. Since Dannielynn won’t be inheriting any money from the Marshall family fortune (Anna Nicole wed the billionaire J Howard Marshall briefly before he died.) She may grow up to have fewer designer handbags, but a more normal life. Larry’s probably not too happy about it, though.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Of course he’s a great dad…he’s GAY! Worst kept secret in H’wood…well not really! Lol
probably NOT getting that money saved her life.
i hate to say it.
@ krtb: I don’t know what they are living on and don’t care, unless it is on welfare….I am a single mother, worked hard, and raised my daughter alone with no financial help….so it is not sexist or anything like it to not want to support others. He appears to be capable of getting work.
He looks sketchy to me.
Bluer sky
Blue sky keep posting that tired old lie u started at your termination years ago. Guess u have no clients still. If u cant get facetime u can always go back to am radio
She’s beautiful.
Well, the tragedy was so multi-faceted and swift, really, that this little baby was being viciously fought over for Money that was not clearly dilenated to the public — ever — who was the rightful inheritant…of ANS’s marrital estate; and then of her precious daughter, born of such vicious hangers on and legal scoundrels. It does appear that both father and child are doing well, and for that I’m glad.
Anna had been going both ways for many years herself and for the last few couldnt put together a complete sentence,,,hopefully the child is not brain damaged as a result.
blue sky
Larry Birkhead had never had a relationship with a woman before he met Anna or after ANS. Anna and her friends knew he lived with his longtime boyfriend when he met her. Anna wanted a handsome sperm donor and chose gay friend Birkhead to be baby’s dad. Anna wanted a sweet baby and Birkhead wanted fame and money. Birkhead said under oath he intentionally impregnated Anna though he knew she was on heavy medication. I don’t think people should praise that opportunist. He has no job since 2007.
Sounds awful…. but the best thing that probably happened to that little girl was not having her mother in her life.
So what are you saying Shelly? That he is collecting Welfare? Because that is the only way it would effect you as a taxpayer.
forrest gump
this is so because her dad is totally broke, folks!!
Hilary's Duff
Wow the craftiest thing Larry ever did was sneaking in that turkey baster into his overnight bag.
This little girl has always been beautiful, even as a baby. The whole situation has always been so tragic. First she lost her brother and then her mother. I just hope she can live a normal life and be happy, unlike her poor mother. Her dad seems to take very good care of her.
@ crtb: I totally agree with you. But usually a stay-at-home parent has someone supporting them, don’t they? Does Larry have a partner supporting him and Dannielyn? If not, he should be working like many other single parents. I, as a hardworking taxpayer, do not want to be supporting either of them. Nothing sexist about that.
Hey Shelly, I was wondering the same thing. He use to love photographer but I don’t know how well he was able to support himself.
If a woman decides to be a stay at home mom, no one ask: Is she working at all? Because they know, taking care of a child is a full time job plus overtime.Why the sexist attitude?
Larry seems to be a good father, but I think he was pretty certain Dannielyn/him would be inheriting money. Is he working at all?
Google, “Anna Nicole Smurf,” for a giggle.
I’ll give him the benefit of a doubt now, but frankly the photo-ops of him and his daughter at Anna Nicole’s grave made me sick.
That whole drama about who the father was with him and Howard Stein, and then with Prince Von Asswipe (Zsa Zsa’s husband) claiming he might be the father, was beyond ridiculous. I hope the little girl does have a normal life, whatever that may be.
Christine India aka Indy
I wonder if he likes the ladies, and if so is he dating anyone with an eye out for who would be a good mother to this beautiful little girl. There has always been a mystery about Larry as to his dating life.
Strom, sometimes you amaze me! Your still an asshole, mind you.
Birkhead seems to be doing a wonderful job raising gorgeous little Dannielynn. I guess he is showing all of the big mouth haters that said he was just after Anna’s money! Anna would be proud and knew Birkhead would always be there for his child. That’s why she chose him for her babys father.
The little girl is beautiful. Birkhead seems to take very good care of her. He looks like a typical haggard parent picking up their child and rushing back home or to some kind of ball practice.
Best of luck to her and hope she grows up living a normal life!