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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

In Los Angeles it’s considered something of an accomplishment to say “Guess who I saw today – Angelyne!” Spotting the iconic Angelyne in her pink Corvette is almost like an LA pastime. Here she is again – not ready for her close-up, but a good sport anyway. As usual she opened her car trunk in a parking lot and sold t-shirts and books to passers-by.

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  1. Scott S

    When I first moved to Hollywood in 1984, I soon noticed all the billboards of Angelyne. They were fun to spot, and you took notice when new ones were put up. One day at a drug store ajacent to the Beverly Center, my friend Cutis and I saw her in the store and we decided to make her day and be her biggest fans. She was so sweet, very soft-spoken. She asked if we would walk her to her car and we did, and talked about NINA HAGEN, Angelyne’s album (Angelyne was opening for NINA HAGEN the following week, and we told her how much we love her. Very sweet. A couple of years later she was the unofficial (or official) Valentine at the video bar in West Hollywood, THE REVOLVER. They played a couple of her songs nd raffled off a few Angelyne items. Back then, her Billboard was prominately seen on a HIT Prime-Time Series called Moonlighting (Bruce Willis/Cybil Sheppard). I got her autograph and she wrote: I AM YOUR SEX GODDESS and signed it. XO

    1. Janet

      Cute stories!

  2. Strom

    “Why doesn’t ANGELYNE advertise on Janet’s website? Maybe link to her website (if she still has one).”

    Website shut down prob for lack of payment,,,,she cant afford JC’s rates.


    Didn’t her Corvette used to have the license plate LEAN LUV?

  4. forrest gump

    believe it or not: AGED PEOPLE IN FLORIDA ARE ALL FAN OF HER!!

  5. Patrick

    She should sell her shirts online.

  6. pixie larue

    Janet you give this Woman an inordinate level of coverage. Is she related to you?

  7. missy

    It’s fun seeing pictures of her. She has been around for a long time and still puts an effort into dressing up.She is an “old school” Hollywood lady and good for her not to miss a chance of making a few bucks. If I ran into her I would buy several of her t-shirts.

  8. Indy

    Denise: Ditto to that 🙂

  9. Gina

    I remember taking a tour of the stars homes (most weren’t even accurate! lol) with my sisters several years ago and the guide referred to Angelyne as an aging hollywood starlet and local icon. The aging hollywood startlet title just sounded too warped and too too tragic.

  10. palermo

    Perry, I wore miniskirts and halter tops and platform shoes back in the day, that’s my point. This ISN’T back in the day, it’s my time to cover up the flesh now and behave like a respectable middled aged woman. We all age, it’s just a fact of life on the long road to death.

  11. Denise

    I have no idea who this woman is, but I hope she stays on the west coast.

  12. Ava

    Why doesn’t ANGELYNE advertise on Janet’s website? Maybe link to her website (if she still has one).

  13. Perry Oh-no


    “An unnamed actress sues the retailer’s Internet Movie Database site for posting her real birth date. Wants $1 million…”

    “It says she lives in Texas and is of Asian descent and has an Americanized stage name.”

  14. Kitty

    She looks like an over the hill prostitute.

  15. Perry Oh-no

    Taffy…..I suspect you would only smell moist feminine Poise pads.

  16. Perry Oh-no

    @palermo …….I remember seeing her around when I traveled to Los Angeles in the 80’s & 90’s. Sometimes I would have to stay three or four months at a time. It seems like she was always around. She was this “wanna be” a pin up/actress type personality. In the early 80’s, the gal was still turning heads.

    She is what eventually becomes of all the pretty girls and boys of Hollywood. If they are lucky and alive, they age (just like us). With the Hollywood crowd, it is so much harder to stomach. They were once beautiful and in some cases famous. It’s hard to say good bye to something like that if you have made your living off it.

    Maybe Angelyne is crazy. Maybe that is how she survives day to day (perhaps in a delusional state of some kind?). Regardless, she ain’t sitting on her ass. At least she is still out and about. I do wish she would cover up.

  17. Taffy Davenport

    I’ll bet there’s a whole lot of nasty Lady Ham goin on there.

    I smell tuna sandwich from here.

  18. palermo

    She is delusional and probably needs some sort of psychiatric help at this point. How is she a Hollywood “icon”, she was never a star. She needs to get some decent clothes, hairdo, wash off that slap all over her face, time to grow up at the age of 80 or whatever she is.

  19. Strom

    She would be scary in the nude…the mre clothes the better for this one!

  20. Perry Oh-no

    She still has nice legs!

  21. Perry Oh-no

    She needs a reality show. I would watch it. She would be like anna nicole Smith.

  22. Teri

    I liked her in earth girls are easy. she should have a segment on tv where she highlights the cool stuff (concerts and such) and promote them for Hollywood. I would like to see her with steady employment and not out dressing like that in drugstore parking lots.

  23. Strom

    a fright actually

  24. Shelia

    She has a video on Youtube (Angelyne “My List” music video ). I gotta give it her, she had a great body back in the day.

  25. Gina

    Bless her heart. She is trying to make a few bucks by selling from her trunk. I would be delighted to buy a t-shirt from her and maybe one for a friend.

    At her age, she needs to have a makeover that is less geriatric, cartoon-ish attempt at sexy . She can still be lovely without the shorty skirts and paint.

    She is clearly a living ion of Hollywood and needs to focus selling herself (t-shirts, pins, mugs, posters…etc.) online and in the local gift shops. She doesn’t need to be pimping herself out of her trunk in random car lots.

    I wish her the absolute best but it pains me to see her out dressed like that at that age. It seems too desperate. She looks to be about my grandmother’s age (around 70?) and it would break my heart to see her dressed like that especially in her advanced years.

    Even if she dressed differently, she would have still have her fans and gawkers.

  26. British Teeth

    Now why didn’t a diligent boy scout help the old girl carry her breasts out to her car?

  27. Bluejay

    So that’s what happens when silicone gets past it’s expiration date.

  28. XYZ

    I dont want to puke my breakfast, so please…

  29. georgie

    If I’m near it, I shield my eyes. Don’t want to turn to stone.