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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

We never get tired of Angelyne sightings. The billboard queen was snapped at the Malibu Country Mart and she wasn’t happy about it. She flipped open that pink ostrich feather fan and hid behind it. She’s been seen in Malibu a lot lately rather than her usual haunt, the Sunset Strip. Maybe she moved. If you wonder how she makes money, she seems to have a thriving mail-order business. On myspace, where she claims to be 29 years old, she offers autographed panties for sale for $150.

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  1. E


  2. Stating the Obvious

    There are so few postings on this site, yet the spelling and grammar errors are rampant. Can anyone explain this? I mean, you spell her name right in the blurb, but the title is wrong. Quick fix, my dear.

  3. Sue

    Giddle Partridge in 10 years

  4. Unindicted Co-Conspirator

    LA County voting records show her being born in 1963, which makes her 46.
    But she looks 60 except for the legs.

  5. Liberal Media Is Corrupt

    Sue your plastic surgeon, gramdma.

  6. Bettye Bluejay

    Her boobs are hanging in her dress like detached balloons.

  7. Reta

    64 to be exact, I looked her up on Wikapedia. She paid to have her own billboards put up in Hollywood trying to be somebody. She’s just a joke.

  8. Reta

    She’s in her 60’s…

  9. Trask

    49? More like 59.

  10. Reta

    Looks like Phillis Diller with Implants…UGGG!!!

  11. Strom

    Is she a tranny?

  12. pinkstar

    29? More like 49…

  13. captain america

    my grandma looks the same, folks.