Looking good, Angelina Jolie is apparently NOT happy with the negative publicity she’s been getting for dragging out the finalization of her divorce from Brad Pitt. She doesn’t like the accusations- especially since they coincide with Brad getting a new girlfriend. To remind us of what a thoughtful mother she is, she took all six of her kids out to dinner at Nobu, where there’s always a pack of paparazzi. (Maddox drove up in his own truck.)
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
Friday, August 28, 2020
Would a good mom do continual photo ops with her kids and talk about them to the press? I don’t think so either, on several counts.
The Big Island
Angie seems like a truly decent person, she is one of the few whose story about her encounter with serial predator Weinstein and her warning to other women showed her backbone. Pitt is an idiot from everything I’ve heard, and I really don’t know how she tolerated him as long as she did. He is showing his true colors not only in his abuse/neglect of the kids but his skeezing aroung and manopause fit of dating girls young enough to be his daughter. The above comments reflect the sexism and patriarchy destroying this planet and blaming women for the mess men create.
Is super dom Jenney Shimizu still satisfying Angie on the down low?
Angie AF
Angie is the earth mother of all time. Her brood was hungry. You have a problem with that? Weird.
Brads new girlfriend is young and pretty. Smart and nice.
Poor old Angie. But she is so intelligent.
Good Mother???
Good mother’s don’t try to keep their children from having a relationship with their father.
Nope, not a good mother.
Good mother? Gee, she took her kids out to dinner! WOW, mother of the year.
Dan Dan
xyz. Yeah, it’a all a hoax. Just ask the 185,000 Americans who died of covid 19. You a Russian bot or just a moron trumpturd?
Covid 19, lol! U haven’t got the memo yet, have u?
Natalie's Pinkhams
Imagine , exposing her children to covid-19 to please her divorce lawyer . How disgraceful