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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Angelina Jolie arrives at Wollensky's Grill with her brother James and son Maddox

Angelina Jolie, Maddox, and her brother James Haven (he doesn’t use his father Jon Voight’s last name either) went out to dinner in New York and accidentally walked in to the wrong restaurant. They quickly scurried into the RIGHT place next door. James had been working as an actor but now seems to be very involved in Angelina’s charity work – particularly a cancer foundation in memory of her family members lost to the disease. We have to say we are always a tad suspicious about family members being paid large salaries to work at celebrity’s charities. Hopefully Brad is keeping an eye on things…

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Greata

    Oh Please, stop with the horrible inuendo. Surely, this woman has proven her genuine desire to help others as well as her accountability. Jamea Haven has also shown no flashy lifestyle tendencies. And…PLEASE…I think Jolie can handle her affairs without Brad. Janet…have you lost the plot?

  2. jojo

    seeing as 90% of the donations are probably from the Pitts, what does it matter if that pays him to be a voice for that charity? You want to question something question the Komen Cancer foundation and how only 20 percent actually goes to helping anyone.

  3. silverstone

    he is hoping for a new girl-friend?

  4. Lissa

    Very strange and odd folks