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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Angelina Jolie and her six kids just returned from Namibia in Africa where they officially opened a wildlife sanctuary named after Shiloh, because she was born there. Angelina asked the twins Vivienne and Knox where they’d like to celebrate their 9th birthday and of course they chose their favorite place, Disneyland. Other visitors paid little attention to the famous family and their little entourage. This photo of the girls, Shiloh, 11, Zahara, 12, and Vivienne, was taken while the boys were on the roller coaster.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. morekissespls

    Why does she ALWAYS wear black? It just makes her look more sickly …..perhaps that is why she likes it.

    Why aren’t the kids dressed in summer gear like shorts? light colored cooling colors.

    Why doesn’t she put her hair up and chill. Wear normal clothes ?

    She’s a nut case.

  2. Daggers

    It is so amazing that this very skinny dame who has had two major operations can travel the world like this. I know there are nannies, but she still has to endure endless plane rides to strange places harboring strange germs and diseases. Whew!!!

  3. limpy

    so hook up with the girls of this world………..