Wouldn’t you know it. Last month we were at the Rose Bowl Flea Market in Pasadena, but this month we were too tired from partying -so we MISSED seeing Angelina Jolie and three of her kids shopping! What were they looking for? It appears that Knox got some kind of toy cross bow, Vivienne is carrying a blue flower wreath and Angelina has a bagful of Christmassy stuff. Brad’s kids all look like him and maybe they inherited Brad’s interest in vintage and funky stuff.
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI
Sunday, December 10, 2017
She always seems to make sure the boys are dressed nice when they go out formally but Jolie must not like dressing her little girls up.
Jolie likes to dress like she is attending a funeral. The twins seem sad or sullen. Hope all the kids are well and healthy. You never see the kids with any “friends” . Hope they at least have friends.
Where is Jenny Shimizu hiding?
looking like an average american.
Shirley Bonnington-St James
a very odd woman
It's Me, again
If Jolie was my parent, I’d be darn near suicidal! She’s a nut job, and I hate the way she dresses herself and her children. It’s gross.
Do any of the those kids ever look like they are happy?
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a picture of the youngest daughter looking happy. She always appears sad. Perhaps if these kids had a more normal life with school and friends, their lives would be more well-rounded.