Eternal bachelor John Mayer may soon hear the pitter patter of little feet, and he can thank his pal, single dad Andy Cohen, if it happens. According to our source, Andy has been encouraging John to follow his lead and become a parent without a significant other. Despite dating his way through Hollywood, including Jessica Simpson, Taylor Swift, and Jennifer Aniston, playboy John has yet to find his soulmate. He’s turning 47 this October and has been yearning to start a family, so Andy introduced him to the same surrogacy agency that HE used. John has already started the process.
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA John at Andy’s Walk of Fame ceremony in Hollywood
Sunday, March 31, 2024
Mamie Lou-Provo Ut mormon womens society
Cohen’s filth will soon be fully revealed.
I hope he enjoys prison food and wears flip flops in the showers.
Doc hollywood
That is like taking advice from the devil. Cohen thinks he is invincible because he is rich and powerful Both of these guys are just dopers Who shouldn’t be in charge of anything or anyone.
Interesting if true. John doesn’t want to commit to one woman, but it’s clear he really wants to be a father
P. Diddy's crisis team
Both of those men should not be allowed within one mile of a child.
Cohen is currently being investigated for drug trafficking and sexual assault.
If you suspect a child has been harmed or is at risk, please dial 1-800-342-3720, to report what you have seen or heard. You can make a difference.