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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Anderson Cooper got quite a jolt when he opened up New York magazine’s home design issue featuring his mother Gloria Vanderbilt’s apartment. There was a photo of her at home posing next to a life size cardboard cutout of her son! He later told Daily Intel,I was unaware that she had a life size cutout of me! I’m not sure how she got it, I’m not entirely thrilled that she has it, but what are you going to do?” When your mother is Gloria Vanderbilt, it’s clear that she does whatever she wants.

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  1. Casonia..Learning Chef Gordons food would be an honor and that is the reason...I hang in there and watch all the shows about Hells kitchen to learn and gather understanding?Why people are being kicked off the show and why they can't cut the mustard?

    I LIKE THE FACT HE HAS GRAY HAIR AND THOSE BLUE,BLUE EYES AND WHAT THE HECK having fun and just doing her own thing and…. It is her house and she can do what ever she wants but I AM SURE IT GIVES HIM THE CREEPS TO SOME DEGREE.

  2. Casonia..Learning Chef Gordons food would be an honor and that is the reason...I hang in there and watch all the shows about Hells kitchen to learn and gather understanding?Why people are being kicked off the show and why they can't cut the mustard?

    There is nothing wrong with being proud of your son in law and…she alway thought what you don’t know is not going to hurt you!

  3. Elizabeth Lloyd

    Anderson Cooper is a very adoring son. He probably just thought it humorous like so much else that she does. They like each other.

  4. animacalserce

    If “” is not the right place, please move me. People call me Anna. My likes are — product promotion —
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  5. Teddy

    Gloria used to date Bobby Short!!!! Her stock just went way up with me. I loved him.

  6. Something Nice

    Strom, you’ll appreciate hearing that a preference for DARK MEAT seems to run in the Cooper-Vanderbilt family. Andy’s boyfriend is Latino and Gloria used to date Bobby Short, the black NYC nightclub pianist and singer. 🙂

  7. Teddy

    Indy–the young kids who like gossip read D-Listed, and the blogger (funny, gay, astute observer of Hollywood culture) Michael K. is obsessed with Anderson Cooper (his secret husband) and HE says AC is partnered up in a committed relationship with a hottie…..I think it’s lasted a while now. But what do we know?

  8. Indy

    Does anyone know if Anderson has settled down to one life-partner or is he roaming around willynilly? just askin’. I wonder if Gloria is on his butt about giving her some grandkids, via a petri dish or surrogate of whatever the latest thing is.

  9. you can never go back

    so two out of wedlock babies, probably with two different dads. sheesh…

  10. wim

    ……american losers are always “SHOCKED”, folks!!

  11. SebastianCanada

    Oh Teddy forget it. Suffice it to say, if someone of Anderson’s background has no sense of decorum or propriety, then what hope is there?

  12. Pippa-London

    Anderson made homosexuality ‘cool’ in America.

  13. Teddy

    Well, I think it is a form of stigma that you would suggest that a cardboard cutout indicates mental instability; especially considering this family’s history, which the POST did not mention. No one stigmatized anyone but you.

  14. SebastianCanada

    I should clarify: It is indelicate to do so so publicly, particularly when it is for PR of some sort.

  15. SebastianCanada

    Teddy, if a mother has lost one son, and is so obsessed with her remaining son that she has a cardboard cutout of him, that could suggest that she is not over her lost and is not quite mentally stable. I am not saying she is, but that is a conclusion many would come to.

    The point is it is indelicate to joke about a mother-son relationship in that way when that sort of tragedy is in the family history.

  16. hell0

    Why uplift the face if she is not going to do the neck? Hideous.

  17. Reta

    The son who killed himself had had a long bout with depression and drug abuse prior to throwing himself off the penthouse balcony right in front of her. I have two sons myself, so can’t imagine anything more devastating.
    I love Anderson Cooper, and Gloria was married to her son’s father. I have a lot of respect for her creating her own business empire coming from a horrible childhood.
    Anderson could have lived off the family riches, but he works, and puts himself in harms way reporting from war torn areas of the world. he’s always through in his reporting and interesting to watch and listen to. I’m quite sure he makes his mamma proud!

  18. Teddy

    Why in the world would a cardboard cutout suggest mental instability? Just trying to understand. Seems to me like a sense of humor still exists inside that family.

  19. Joanie

    Bad facelift, Gloria.

  20. SebastianCanada

    If you know Gloria Vanderbilts story, you have to assume there was some disfunctionality in her parenting.

    Teddy, I find it distasteful because of Gloria’s childhood trauma and the suicide of her first son. It is one thing for my mother to have a cardboard cutout of me, it is another when the mother has experienced such tragedy.

    If Gloria is doing such things it could suggest mental instability, and to harp on it or make a joke about it would be incredibly insensitive.

  21. Jerry D

    II can’t believe how such an innocent little post has generated so much controversy! What on earth does Carter’s tragic suicide have to do with Anderson’s cut out being in his mother’s apartment? At least Anna saw the segment on 360 and has cleared all of the unnecessary drama.

  22. Anna

    Anderson knows exactly where she got this cut-out. He is just being funny. On an Anderson Cooper 360 episode about a year ago, they had a funny clip talking about how Anderson had been travelling a lot so when his mom visited the studio, he was away, so they filmed her talking to a cut-out of him. She was saying stuff like “you are looking very thin”. Anderson laughed when he saw the clip. I guess she took the cut-out home with her and used it again in the magazine spread. Its just being funny. Mom’s always say they never see their kids enough. That is probably why she put him in the magazine spread. As a little funny dig at him.

  23. Teddy

    And really Janet, this post is NOT distasteful in the least. I myself like to honor suicide survivorship where I see it; even while I wink at the class differences that divide us all. Death of a child unites us all. So, in gossip conclusion, I support this post. And Anderson. And Gloria.

  24. Teddy

    SebastianCanada: It is very sad when a teenaged boy commits suicide. I believe this family (as opposed to say maybe Curt Cobain’s) maybe did things right. Suicide survivorship is a very hard road — harder than addiction or even mental illness (both of which are common outcomes of a suicidal death in the family.) So, props to Gloria and Anderson for surviving.

  25. Teddy

    LOL. These two crazy “kids” just might make it. Love them both, and can I please get adopted into this cartel? I promise to fold and starch according to Gloria’s standards. LOL

  26. Fabu

    Two things stuck out for me:

    1) Perhaps they don’t have a very close relationship and don’t see each other often, so that’s her way of “seeing him”?

    2) I have many gay friends, and every single one of them is/was very close to their mothers, and when some of their mothers passed away, they were really devastated… so I wonder if Anderson was in a family that wasn’t all that loving to begin with?

  27. SebastianCanada

    Palermo, I suspect this is a PR item from Team Anderson. I suppose it is meant to be cute, but to anyone who knows the Vanderbilt-Cooper history it is sad a creepy.

  28. Palermo

    That was my first thought too, why does he see it in a magazine and not when he’s visiting her? Maybe she put it out as a joke for the mag so everybody knows she is proud of her son

  29. SebastianCanada

    Thanks for the correction Mitch.

  30. Monah Garrett

    *hands over bottle of Midol*

    Could you please pass this further up the thread? Thanks.

  31. dee cee

    His cutout is more interesting and has no strange hang-ups..

  32. Mitch

    @SebastianCanada: Anderson’s father had already passed away 10 years prior to Carter committing suicide, Gloria watched Carter do it.

  33. SebastianCanada

    Vanderbilt’s other son — I beleive it was Anderson’s older brother — killed himself by jumping over their penthouse railing. If I remember correctly, it was in front of his parents. They were certainly at home at the time. It was an inconceivable tragedy, which kind of makes cute stories like this one, and slams, incredibly inappropriate.

    Janet you posted a comment RE nasty comments about Joan Collins, but this post is in very bad taste.

  34. Monah Garrett

    Cute story. But has she ever been able to pinpoint who Anderson’s daddy was?

  35. Leo

    Even though Anderson is from a family of tremendous wealth,he takes seriously his job as a news commentator/reporter and has the appearance of a regular guy who becomes involved in his reported stories.If on the rare occasion that a mother has a cut-out picture of her adult child,evidently it gives her a bit of satisfaction having easy access to him when he is unable to “personally” spend time with her.

  36. Lenny

    Maybe it’s just for fun we really don’t know.

  37. Charlsie

    Sounds like Gloria has a sick obsession with her son. Whassa matter, she’s too old to get a real life lover of her own?

  38. Bettye Bluejay

    Gloria got her hair and jewelry to match. Classy.

  39. Dondesta

    Thats a sign that you dont visit or call her to often fool.damn for a gay man he sure is stupid.

  40. strom

    Much aging and many face lifts.

  41. cal

    What’s wrong with her face?

  42. Reta

    Love him! But it’s rather surprising that he hasn’t been to her apartment enough to even know this. I thought they were close! After all, they are all eachother has as far as family goes.
    I wouldn’t mind having one of those cardboard cutouts of him either. I could stand it in my window just to trip out the neighbors!